Source code for

Tools for 3DCGA (g3c)

3DCGA Tools

Generation Methods

.. versionchanged:: 1.4.0

    Many of these functions accept an ``rng`` arguments, which if provided
    should be the result of calling :func:`numpy.random.default_rng` or similar.

.. autosummary::
    :toctree: generated/



Geometry Methods

.. autosummary::
    :toctree: generated/



.. autosummary::
    :toctree: generated/


Root Finding

.. autosummary::
    :toctree: generated/


.. autosummary::
    :toctree: generated/



import math
import numba
import numpy as np
from import quaternion_to_rotor, random_euc_mv, \
    random_rotation_rotor, generate_rotation_rotor
from clifford.g3c import *
import clifford as cf
from clifford import NUMBA_PARALLEL, MVArray
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

    from pyganja import draw
    pyganja_available = True
except ImportError:
    pyganja_available = False

# Allow syntactic alternatives to the standard included in the clifford package
ninf = einf
no = -eo

# Define some useful objects
E = ninf ^ (no)
I5 = e12345
I3 = e123
E0 = ninf ^ -no
niono = ninf ^ no

unit_scalar_mv = 1.0 + 0.0*e1
adjoint_func = layout.adjoint_func
gmt_func = layout.gmt_func
omt_func = layout.omt_func
imt_func = layout.imt_func

epsilon = 10*10**(-6)

mask0 = layout.get_grade_projection_matrix(0)
mask1 = layout.get_grade_projection_matrix(1)
mask2 = layout.get_grade_projection_matrix(2)
mask3 = layout.get_grade_projection_matrix(3)
mask4 = layout.get_grade_projection_matrix(4)
mask5 = layout.get_grade_projection_matrix(5)
mask_2minus4 = mask2 - mask4

def _defunct_wrapper(f):
    """ marker for val_ functions which are no longer faster """
    return f

[docs]def interpret_multivector_as_object(mv): """ Takes an input multivector and returns what kind of object it is -1 -> not a blade 0 -> a 1 vector but not a point 1 -> a euclidean point 2 -> a conformal point 3 -> a point pair 4 -> a circle 5 -> a line 6 -> a sphere 7 -> a plane Similar to :func:``, although that function does a little more work in order to produce full characterizations. """ g_pres = mv.grades(eps=0.00000001) if len(g_pres) != 1: # Definitely not a blade return -1 grade, = g_pres if grade == 1: # This can now either be a euc mv or a conformal point or something else if mv(e123) == mv: return 1 # Euclidean point elif np.sum(np.abs((mv**2).value)) < 0.00000001: return 2 # Conformal point else: return 0 # Unknown mv elif mv.isBlade(): if grade == 2: return 3 # Point pair elif grade == 3: # Line or circle if abs(mv[e123]) > epsilon: return 4 # Circle else: return 5 # Line elif grade == 4: # Sphere or plane if abs(((mv*I5)|no)[()]) > epsilon: return 7 # Plane else: return 6 # Sphere else: return -1
@numba.njit @_defunct_wrapper def val_sphere_line_intersect(s, l): return sphere_line_intersect( layout.MultiVector(s), layout.MultiVector(l), ) @numba.njit def sphere_line_intersect(s, l): """ Checks for intersection between a sphere and a line """ mv = meet(s, l) return (mv | mv).value[0] > 0 def sphere_in_sphere(S1, S2, tolerance=10**-6): """ Checks if one sphere is inside the other (S1|S2)[()] < -1 """ return (unsign_sphere(S1)|unsign_sphere(S2))[()] <= -1 + tolerance
[docs]def sphere_beyond_plane(sphere, plane): """ Check if the sphere is fully beyond the plane in the direction of the plane normal """ no_intersection = ((meet(sphere, plane) ** 2)[()] < 0) return no_intersection and point_beyond_plane(normalise_n_minus_1((sphere * einf * sphere)(1)), plane)
[docs]def sphere_behind_plane(sphere, plane): """ Check if the sphere is fully behind the plane in the direction of the plane normal, ie the opposite of sphere_beyond_plane """ no_intersection = ((meet(sphere, plane) ** 2)[()] < 0) return no_intersection and not point_beyond_plane(normalise_n_minus_1((sphere * einf * sphere)(1)), plane)
def point_beyond_plane(point, plane): """ Check if the point is fully beyond the plane in the direction of the plane normal """ return (point|(I5*plane))[()] < 0 @numba.njit def unsign_sphere(S): """ Normalises the sign of a sphere """ return (S*(-(fast_dual(S) | ninf).value[0])).normal()
[docs]@numba.njit @_defunct_wrapper def val_unsign_sphere(S): return unsign_sphere(layout.MultiVector(S)).value
def join_spheres(S1in, S2in): """ Find the smallest sphere that encloses both spheres """ s1 = unsign_sphere(S1in) s2 = unsign_sphere(S2in) L = (((s1 * I5) ^ (s2 * I5) ^ einf)(3)).normal() pp1 = (meet(s1, L)(2)).normal() pp2 = (meet(s2, L)(2)).normal() p1 = point_pair_to_end_points(pp1)[0] p2 = point_pair_to_end_points(pp2)[1] if (p1|(s2*I5))[()] > 0.0: opt_sphere = s2(4) elif (p2|(s1*I5))[()] > 0.0: opt_sphere = s1(4) else: p12 = p1 ^ p2 L2 = (p12 * (p12 ^ einf)).normal() opt_sphere = (L2*I5)(4) return unsign_sphere(opt_sphere) def enclosing_sphere(spheres): """ For a given set of spheres this finds a sphere that encloses all of them Tries to find the smallest one it can """ nspheres = len(spheres) if nspheres == 1: return spheres[0] elif nspheres == 2: return join_spheres(spheres[0], spheres[1]) mins = spheres[0] for i in range(1, nspheres): mins = join_spheres(mins, spheres[i]) return mins
[docs]def project_points_to_plane(point_list, plane): """ Takes a load of points and projects them onto a plane """ projected_list = [] for point in point_list: proj_point = ((point|plane)*plane) proj_point = normalise_n_minus_1((proj_point*einf*proj_point)(1)) projected_list.append(proj_point) return projected_list
[docs]def project_points_to_sphere(point_list, sphere, closest=True): """ Takes a load of points and projects them onto a sphere """ if closest: point_index = 1 else: point_index = 0 projected_list = [] C = sphere*einf*sphere for point in point_list: proj_point = point_pair_to_end_points(meet((point^C^einf).normal(), sphere))[point_index] projected_list.append(proj_point) return projected_list
[docs]def project_points_to_circle(point_list, circle, closest=True): """ Takes a load of point and projects them onto a circle The closest flag determines if it should be the closest or furthest point on the circle """ circle_plane = (circle^einf).normal() planar_points = project_points_to_plane(point_list, circle_plane) circle_points = project_points_to_sphere(planar_points, -circle*circle_plane*I5, closest=closest) return circle_points
[docs]def project_points_to_line(point_list, line): """ Takes a load of points and projects them onto a line """ projected_list = [] for point in point_list: pp = point|line proj_point = normalise_n_minus_1((pp*einf*pp)(1)) projected_list.append(proj_point) return projected_list
[docs]def iterative_closest_points_on_circles(C1, C2, niterations=20): """ Given two circles C1 and C2 this calculates the closest points on each of them to the other .. versionchanged:: 1.3 Renamed from ``closest_points_on_circles`` """ cav = average_objects([C1, C2]) cav2 = average_objects([C1, -C2]) PP = meet(cav, cav2^einf).normal() P_list = point_pair_to_end_points(PP) dmin = np.inf for Ptest in P_list: d = -(project_points_to_circle([Ptest], C1)[0](1)|project_points_to_circle([Ptest], C2)[0](1))[()] if d < dmin: dmin = d P2 = Ptest P1 = project_points_to_circle([P2], C1)[0](1) P2 = project_points_to_circle([P1], C2)[0](1) for i in range(niterations): P1 = project_points_to_circle([P2], C1)[0](1) P2 = project_points_to_circle([P1], C2)[0](1) return P1, P2
[docs]def closest_point_on_line_from_circle(C, L, eps=1E-6): """ Returns the point on the line L that is closest to the circle C Uses the algorithm described in Appendix A of Andreas Aristidou's PhD thesis .. versionadded:: 1.3 """ return project_points_to_line([closest_point_on_circle_from_line(C, L, eps=eps)], L)[0]
[docs]def closest_point_on_circle_from_line(C, L, eps=1E-6): """ Returns the point on the circle C that is closest to the line L Uses the algorithm described in Appendix A of Andreas Aristidou's PhD thesis .. versionadded:: 1.3 """ phi = (C^einf).normal() B = meet(L, phi) A = normalise_n_minus_1((C * einf * C)(1)) bound_sphere = ((C * phi) * I5).normal() if abs((B**2)[()]) < eps: # The line and plane of the circle are parallel # Project the line into the plane Lpln = (L.normal() + (phi*L*phi)(3).normal()).normal() # Project the centre of the circle onto the line X = normalise_n_minus_1((A|Lpln)*einf*(A|Lpln)) if sphere_in_sphere(X*I5, bound_sphere): # The circle and line intersect PP = meet(Lpln, bound_sphere) return point_pair_to_end_points(PP)[0] else: L2 = A ^ X ^ einf PP = meet(L2, bound_sphere) return point_pair_to_end_points(PP)[1] P = intersect_line_and_plane_to_point(L, phi) Adash = L*A*L E = up(down(A)*0.5 + down(Adash)*0.5) Edash = normalise_n_minus_1((phi*E*phi)(1)) Y = up(down(E)*0.5 + down(Edash)*0.5) # If Y is in the sphere that C is the equator of if sphere_in_sphere(Y*I5, bound_sphere): if abs((A | P)[()]) < eps: # Just project the line L2 = (L.normal() + (phi * L * phi)(3).normal()) if abs(L2) < eps: # Line is perpendicular to plane of the circle L2 = (A ^ project_points_to_circle([random_conformal_point()], C)[0] ^ einf).normal() else: L2 = L2.normal() elif abs((P | Y)[()]) < eps: # Line is perpendicular to the plane of the circle L2 = A ^ Y ^ einf else: L2 = P ^ Y ^ einf else: L2 = A ^ Y ^ einf PP = meet(L2, bound_sphere) Xs = point_pair_to_end_points(PP) return max(Xs, key=lambda x: (x | P)[()])
[docs]def iterative_closest_points_circle_line(C, L, niterations=20): """ Given a circle C and line L this calculates the closest points on each of them to the other. This is an iterative algorithm based on heuristics Nonetheless it appears to give results on par with :func:`closest_point_on_circle_from_line`. .. versionchanged:: 1.3 Renamed from ``closest_points_circle_line`` """ cav = average_objects([C, L]) cav2 = average_objects([C, -L]) PP = meet(cav, cav2^einf).normal() P_list = point_pair_to_end_points(PP) dmin = np.inf for Ptest in P_list: d = -(project_points_to_circle([Ptest], C)[0](1)|project_points_to_line([Ptest], L)[0](1))[()] if d < dmin: dmin = d P2 = Ptest P1 = project_points_to_circle([P2], C)[0](1) P2 = project_points_to_line([P1], L)[0](1) for i in range(niterations): P1 = project_points_to_circle([P2], C)[0](1) P2 = project_points_to_line([P1], L)[0](1) P1 = normalise_n_minus_1(P1) P2 = normalise_n_minus_1(P2) return P1, P2
[docs]def iterative_furthest_points_on_circles(C1, C2, niterations=20): """ Given two circles C1 and C2 this calculates the closest points on each of them to the other .. versionchanged:: 1.3 Renamed from ``furthest_points_on_circles`` """ P2 = random_conformal_point() P1 = project_points_to_circle([P2], C1, closest=False)[0](1) P2 = project_points_to_circle([P1], C2, closest=False)[0](1) for i in range(niterations): P1 = project_points_to_circle([P2], C1, closest=False)[0](1) P2 = project_points_to_circle([P1], C2, closest=False)[0](1) return P1, P2
[docs]def normalise_TR_to_unit_T(TR): """ Takes in a TR rotor extracts the R and T normalises the T to unit displacement magnitude rebuilds the TR rotor with the new displacement rotor returns the new TR and the original length of the T rotor """ R_only = TR(e123) T_only = (TR*~R_only).normal() t = -2*(T_only|no) scale = abs(t) t = t/scale new_TR = (generate_translation_rotor(t)*R_only).normal() return new_TR, scale
[docs]def scale_TR_translation(TR, scale): """ Takes in a TR rotor and a scale extracts the R and T scales the T displacement magnitude by scale rebuilds the TR rotor with the new displacement rotor returns the new TR rotor """ R_only = TR(e123) T_only = (TR*~R_only).normal() t = -2*(T_only|no)*scale new_TR = (generate_translation_rotor(t)*R_only).normal() return new_TR
def left_gmt_generator(mt=layout.gmt): # unpack for numba k_list, l_list, m_list = mt.coords mult_table_vals = gaDims = mt.shape[1] val_get_left_mt_matrix = cf._numba_val_get_left_mt_matrix @numba.njit def get_left_gmt(x_val): return val_get_left_mt_matrix( x_val, k_list, l_list, m_list, mult_table_vals, gaDims) return get_left_gmt def right_gmt_generator(mt=layout.gmt): return left_gmt_generator(mt.T) get_left_gmt_matrix = left_gmt_generator() get_right_gmt_matrix = right_gmt_generator()
[docs]def get_line_reflection_matrix(lines, n_power=1): """ Generates the matrix that sums the reflection of a point in many lines """ line_array = np.array([l.value for l in lines]) return val_get_line_reflection_matrix(line_array, n_power)
[docs]@numba.njit def val_get_line_reflection_matrix(line_array: np.ndarray, n_power: int) -> np.ndarray: """ Generates the matrix that sums the reflection of a point in many lines """ mat2solve = np.zeros((32, 32), dtype=np.float64) for i in range(line_array.shape[0]): LiMat = get_left_gmt_matrix(line_array[i, :]) tmat = (LiMat @ mask_2minus4) @ LiMat mat2solve += tmat mat = mask1 @ mat2solve/line_array.shape[0] return np.linalg.matrix_power(mat, n_power)
[docs]@numba.njit def val_truncated_get_line_reflection_matrix(line_array: np.ndarray, n_power: int) -> np.ndarray: """ Generates the truncated matrix that sums the reflection of a point in many lines """ mat2solve = np.zeros((32, 32), dtype=np.float64) for i in range(line_array.shape[0]): LiMat = get_left_gmt_matrix(line_array[i, :]) tmat = (LiMat @ mask_2minus4) @ LiMat mat2solve += tmat mat_val = mask1 @ mat2solve mat_val = mat_val[1:6, 1:6].copy()/line_array.shape[0] return np.linalg.matrix_power(mat_val, n_power)
[docs]@numba.njit @_defunct_wrapper def val_get_line_intersection(L3_val, Ldd_val): return get_line_intersection( layout.MultiVector(L3_val), layout.MultiVector(Ldd_val) ).value
[docs]@numba.njit def get_line_intersection(L3, Ldd): """ Gets the point of intersection of two orthogonal lines that meet Xdd = Ldd*no*Ldd + no Xddd = L3*Xdd*L3 Pd = 0.5*(Xdd+Xddd) P = -(Pd*ninf*Pd)(1)/(2*(Pd|einf)**2)[0] """ Xdd = Ldd * no * Ldd + no Xddd = L3 * Xdd * L3 Pd = 0.5*(Xdd+Xddd) P = -(Pd * ninf * Pd) imt = Pd | ninf P_denominator = 2*(imt * imt).value[0] return (P/P_denominator)(1)
[docs]@numba.njit @_defunct_wrapper def val_midpoint_between_lines(L1_val, L2_val): return midpoint_between_lines(layout.MultiVector(L1_val, L2_val)).value
[docs]@numba.njit def midpoint_between_lines(L1, L2): """ Gets the point that is maximally close to both lines Hadfield and Lasenby AGACSE2018 """ L3 = (L1 + L2).normal() Ldd = (L1 - L2).normal() S = get_line_intersection(L3, Ldd) return normalise_n_minus_1((S * ninf * S)(1))
[docs]@numba.njit def midpoint_of_line_cluster(line_cluster): """ Gets a center point of a line cluster Hadfield and Lasenby AGACSE2018 """ return layout.MultiVector(val_midpoint_of_line_cluster(MVArray(line_cluster).value))
[docs]@numba.njit def val_midpoint_of_line_cluster(array_line_cluster): """ Gets a center point of a line cluster Hadfield and Lasenby AGACSE2018 """ # Allocate some space for our finished matrix accumulator_matrix = np.zeros((32, 32)) # Loop over our lines and construct the matrix for i in range(array_line_cluster.shape[0]): # Get the line as a left gmt matrix L_i_l = get_left_gmt_matrix(array_line_cluster[i, :]) # Get the line as a right gmt matrix L_i_r = get_right_gmt_matrix(array_line_cluster[i, :]) # Multiply and add accumulator_matrix += L_i_r @ L_i_l # Raise the matrix to a very high power power_mat = np.linalg.matrix_power(accumulator_matrix / array_line_cluster.shape[0], 256) # Get a point that lies on the first line as an approximation to the e-vector pp_val = imt_func(array_line_cluster[0, :], eo.value) p_start = val_normalise_n_minus_1(project_val(gmt_func(gmt_func(pp_val, ninf.value), pp_val), 1)) # Apply the matrix p_end = project_val(power_mat @ p_start, 1) # Remove any junk that has come along with it final_point = val_normalise_n_minus_1(project_val(gmt_func(gmt_func(p_end, ninf.value), p_end), 1)) return final_point
[docs]@numba.njit(parallel=NUMBA_PARALLEL) def val_midpoint_of_line_cluster_grad(array_line_cluster): """ Gets an approximate center point of a line cluster Hadfield and Lasenby AGACSE2018 """ average_line = val_average_objects(array_line_cluster) val_point_track = np.zeros(32) for i in range(array_line_cluster.shape[0]): p = val_midpoint_between_lines(average_line, array_line_cluster[i, :]) val_point_track += p S = gmt_func(I5.value, val_point_track) center_point = val_normalise_n_minus_1(project_val(gmt_func(S, gmt_func(ninf.value, S)), 1)) # Take a derivative of the cost function at this point grad = np.zeros(32) for i in range(array_line_cluster.shape[0]): l_val = array_line_cluster[i, :] grad += (gmt_func(gmt_func(l_val, center_point), l_val)) grad = val_normalise_n_minus_1(project_val(grad, 1)) s_val = gmt_func(I5.value, project_val(center_point + grad, 1)) center_point = val_normalise_n_minus_1(gmt_func(gmt_func(s_val, ninf.value), s_val)) return center_point
[docs]def get_circle_in_euc(circle): """ Extracts all the normal stuff for a circle """ Ic = (circle^ninf).normal() GAnormal = get_plane_normal(Ic) inPlaneDual = circle*Ic mag = (inPlaneDual|ninf)[()] inPlaneDual = -inPlaneDual/mag radius_squared = (inPlaneDual*inPlaneDual)[()] radius = math.sqrt(abs(radius_squared)) if radius_squared < 0: # We have an imaginary circle, return it as a negative radius as our signal radius = -radius GAcentre = down(inPlaneDual*(1+0.5*inPlaneDual*ninf)) return [GAcentre, GAnormal, radius]
[docs]def circle_to_sphere(C): """ returns the sphere for which the input circle is the perimeter """ Ic = (C ^ einf).normal() sphere = C * Ic * I5 return sphere
[docs]def line_to_point_and_direction(line): """ converts a line to the conformal nearest point to the origin and a euc direction vector in direction of the line """ L_star = line*I5 T = L_star|no mhat = -(L_star - T*ninf)*I3 p = (T^mhat)*I3 return [p, mhat]
[docs]def get_plane_origin_distance(plane): """ Get the distance between a given plane and the origin """ return ((plane*I5)|no)[()]
[docs]def get_plane_normal(plane): """ Get the normal to the plane """ return (plane*I5 - get_plane_origin_distance(plane)*ninf)
[docs]def get_nearest_plane_point(plane): """ Get the nearest point to the origin on the plane """ return up(get_plane_normal(plane)*get_plane_origin_distance(plane))
[docs]def disturb_object(mv_object, maximum_translation=0.01, maximum_angle=0.01, *, rng=None): """ Disturbs an object by a random rotor """ r = random_rotation_translation_rotor(maximum_translation=maximum_translation, maximum_angle=maximum_angle, rng=rng) return (r*mv_object*~r).normal()
[docs]def generate_n_clusters(object_generator, n_clusters, n_objects_per_cluster, *, rng=None): """ Creates n_clusters of random objects """ rng = np.random.default_rng(rng) object_clusters = [] for i in range(n_clusters): cluster_objects = generate_random_object_cluster(n_objects_per_cluster, object_generator, max_cluster_trans=0.5, max_cluster_rot=np.pi / 16, rng=rng) object_clusters.append(cluster_objects) all_objects = [item for sublist in object_clusters for item in sublist] return all_objects, object_clusters
[docs]def generate_random_object_cluster(n_objects, object_generator, max_cluster_trans=1.0, max_cluster_rot=np.pi/8, *, rng=None): """ Creates a cluster of random objects """ rng = np.random.default_rng(rng) ref_obj = object_generator() cluster_objects = [] for i in range(n_objects): r = random_rotation_translation_rotor(maximum_translation=max_cluster_trans, maximum_angle=max_cluster_rot, rng=rng) new_obj = apply_rotor(ref_obj, r) cluster_objects.append(new_obj) return cluster_objects
[docs]def random_translation_rotor(maximum_translation=10.0, *, rng=None): """ generate a random translation rotor """ return generate_translation_rotor(random_euc_mv(maximum_translation, rng=rng))
[docs]def random_rotation_translation_rotor(maximum_translation=10.0, maximum_angle=np.pi, *, rng=None): """ generate a random combined rotation and translation rotor """ rng = np.random.default_rng(rng) return (random_translation_rotor(maximum_translation, rng=rng)*random_rotation_rotor(maximum_angle, rng=rng)).normal()
[docs]@numba.njit @_defunct_wrapper def project_val(val, grade): return layout.MultiVector(val)(grade).value
[docs]def random_conformal_point(l_max=10, *, rng=None): """ Creates a random conformal point """ return up(random_euc_mv(l_max=l_max, rng=rng))
[docs]def generate_dilation_rotor(scale): """ Generates a rotor that performs dilation about the origin """ if abs(scale - 1.0) < 0.00001: u = np.zeros(32) u[0] = 1.0 return layout.MultiVector(u) gamma = math.log(scale) return math.cosh(gamma/2) + math.sinh(gamma/2)*(ninf^no)
@numba.njit @_defunct_wrapper def val_generate_translation_rotor(euc_vector_a): return generate_translation_rotor(layout.MultiVector(euc_vector_a)).value
[docs]@numba.njit def generate_translation_rotor(euc_vector_a): """ Generates a rotor that translates objects along the euclidean vector euc_vector_a """ return 1 + ninf * euc_vector_a / 2
[docs]@numba.njit @_defunct_wrapper def meet_val(a_val, b_val): return meet(layout.MultiVector(a_val), layout.MultiVector(b_val)).value
[docs]@numba.njit def meet(A, B): """ The meet algorithm as described in :cite:`lasenby-covariant-approach`. ``I5*((I5*A) ^ (I5*B))`` """ return fast_dual(fast_dual(A) ^ fast_dual(B))
[docs]@numba.njit @_defunct_wrapper def val_intersect_line_and_plane_to_point(line_val, plane_val): ret = intersect_line_and_plane_to_point( layout.MultiVector(line_val), layout.MultiVector(plane_val) ) if ret is None: return np.array([-1.]) else: return ret.value
[docs]@numba.njit def intersect_line_and_plane_to_point(line, plane): """ Returns the point at the intersection of a line and plane If there is no intersection it returns None """ m = meet(line, plane) if (m * m).value[0] < 0.000001: return None output = layout.MultiVector(np.zeros(32)) A = m.normal() if A.value[15] < 0: output.value[1] = A.value[8] output.value[2] = A.value[11] output.value[3] = A.value[14] else: output.value[1] = -A.value[8] output.value[2] = -A.value[11] output.value[3] = -A.value[14] return fast_up(output)
[docs]@numba.njit @_defunct_wrapper def val_normalise_n_minus_1(mv_val): return normalise_n_minus_1(layout.MultiVector(mv_val)).value
[docs]@numba.njit def normalise_n_minus_1(mv): """ Normalises a conformal point so that it has an inner product of -1 with einf """ scale = (mv | ninf).value[0] if scale != 0.0: return -mv/scale else: raise ZeroDivisionError('MultiVector has 0 einf component')
[docs]def quaternion_and_vector_to_rotor(quaternion, vector): """ Takes in a quaternion and a vector and returns a conformal rotor that implements the transformation """ rotation = quaternion_to_rotor(quaternion)(0, 2, 4) translation = generate_translation_rotor(vector[0] * e1 + vector[1] * e2 + vector[2] * e3)(0, 2, 4) return (translation * rotation).normal()
[docs]def get_center_from_sphere(sphere): """ Returns the conformal point at the centre of a sphere by reflecting the point at infinity """ center = sphere * ninf * sphere return center
[docs]def get_radius_from_sphere(sphere): """ Returns the radius of a sphere """ dual_sphere = sphere * I5 dual_sphere = dual_sphere / (-dual_sphere | ninf)[()] return math.sqrt(abs(dual_sphere * dual_sphere))
[docs]@numba.njit @_defunct_wrapper def val_point_pair_to_end_points(T): A, B = point_pair_to_end_points(layout.MultiVector(T)) output = np.zeros((2, 32)) output[0, :] = A.value output[1, :] = B.value return output
[docs]@numba.njit def point_pair_to_end_points(T): """ Extracts the end points of a point pair bivector """ beta = np.sqrt(abs((T * T).value[0])) F = T / beta P = 0.5*F + 0.5 P_twiddle = -0.5*F + 0.5 A = normalise_n_minus_1(-(P_twiddle * (T | ninf))) B = normalise_n_minus_1((P * (T | ninf))) return A, B
[docs]def euc_dist(conf_mv_a, conf_mv_b): """ Returns the distance between two conformal points """ dot_result = (conf_mv_a|conf_mv_b)[()] if dot_result < 0.0: return math.sqrt(-2.0*dot_result) else: return 0.0
[docs]@numba.jit @_defunct_wrapper def dorst_norm_val(sigma_val): return dorst_norm(layout.MultiVector(sigma_val))
@numba.jit def dorst_norm(sigma): """ Square Root of Rotors - Implements the norm of a rotor""" sigma_4 = sigma(4) sqrd_ans = sigma.value[0] ** 2 - (sigma_4 * sigma_4).value[0] return math.sqrt(sqrd_ans)
[docs]@numba.njit @_defunct_wrapper def check_sigma_for_positive_root_val(sigma_val): return check_sigma_for_positive_root(layout.MultiVector(sigma_val))
[docs]@numba.njit def check_sigma_for_positive_root(sigma): """ Square Root of Rotors - Checks for a positive root """ return (sigma.value[0] + dorst_norm(sigma)) > 0
[docs]@numba.njit @_defunct_wrapper def check_sigma_for_negative_root_val(sigma_value): return check_sigma_for_negative_root(layout.MultiVector(sigma_value))
[docs]@numba.njit def check_sigma_for_negative_root(sigma): """ Square Root of Rotors - Checks for a negative root """ return (sigma.value[0] - dorst_norm(sigma)) > 0
[docs]@numba.njit @_defunct_wrapper def check_infinite_roots_val(sigma_value): return check_infinite_roots(layout.MultiVector(sigma_value))
[docs]@numba.njit def check_infinite_roots(sigma): """ Square Root of Rotors - Checks for a infinite roots """ return (sigma.value[0] + dorst_norm(sigma)) < 0.0000000001
[docs]@numba.njit @_defunct_wrapper def positive_root_val(sigma_val): return positive_root(layout.MultiVector(sigma_val)).value
[docs]@numba.njit @_defunct_wrapper def negative_root_val(sigma_val): return negative_root(layout.MultiVector(sigma_val)).value
[docs]@numba.njit def positive_root(sigma): """ Square Root of Rotors - Evaluates the positive root """ norm_s = dorst_norm(sigma) denominator = (math.sqrt(2) * math.sqrt(sigma.value[0] + norm_s)) return (sigma + norm_s)/denominator
[docs]@numba.njit def negative_root(sigma): """ Square Root of Rotors - Evaluates the negative root """ norm_s = dorst_norm(sigma) denominator = (math.sqrt(2) * math.sqrt(sigma.value[0] - norm_s)) return (sigma - norm_s)/denominator
[docs]@numba.njit @_defunct_wrapper def general_root_val(sigma_value): return general_root(layout.MultiVector(sigma_value)).value
[docs]@numba.njit def general_root(sigma): """ The general case of the root of a grade 0, 4 multivector Square Root and Logarithm of Rotors in 3D Conformal Geometric Algebra Using Polar Decomposition Leo Dorst and Robert Valkenburg """ ndims = sigma.value.shape[0] if check_sigma_for_positive_root(sigma): return positive_root(sigma), sigma.layout.MultiVector(np.zeros(ndims)) elif check_sigma_for_negative_root(sigma): return positive_root(sigma), negative_root(sigma) elif check_infinite_roots(sigma): output = np.zeros(ndims) output[0] = 1.0 return sigma.layout.MultiVector(output), sigma.layout.MultiVector(output) else: raise ValueError('No root exists')
[docs]@numba.njit @_defunct_wrapper def val_annihilate_k(K_val, C_val): return annihilate_k(layout.MultiVector(K_val), layout.MultiVector(C_val)).value
[docs]@numba.njit def annihilate_k(K, C): """ Removes K from C = KX via (K[0] - K[4])*C """ k_4 = K.value[0] - K(4) return (k_4 * C).normal()
[docs]@numba.njit @_defunct_wrapper def pos_twiddle_root_val(C_value): A, B = pos_twiddle_root(layout.MultiVector(C_value)) output = np.zeros((2, 32)) output[0, :] = A.value output[1, :] = B.value return output
[docs]@numba.njit @_defunct_wrapper def neg_twiddle_root_val(C_value): A, B = neg_twiddle_root(layout.MultiVector(C_value)) output = np.zeros((2, 32)) output[0, :] = A.value output[1, :] = B.value return output
[docs]@numba.njit def pos_twiddle_root(C): """ Square Root and Logarithm of Rotors in 3D Conformal Geometric Algebra Using Polar Decomposition Leo Dorst and Robert Valkenburg """ sigma = C * ~C k1, k2 = general_root(sigma) return annihilate_k(k1, C), annihilate_k(k2, C)
[docs]@numba.njit def neg_twiddle_root(C): """ Square Root and Logarithm of Rotors in 3D Conformal Geometric Algebra Using Polar Decomposition Leo Dorst and Robert Valkenburg """ sigma = -(C * ~C) k1, k2 = general_root(sigma) return annihilate_k(k1, C), annihilate_k(k2, C)
[docs]def square_roots_of_rotor(R): """ Square Root and Logarithm of Rotors in 3D Conformal Geometric Algebra Using Polar Decomposition Leo Dorst and Robert Valkenburg """ return pos_twiddle_root(1 + R)
[docs]def n_th_rotor_root(R, n): """ Takes the n_th root of rotor R n must be a power of 2 """ if not (((n & (n - 1)) == 0) and n != 0): raise ValueError('n is not a power of 2') if n == 1: return R else: return n_th_rotor_root(square_roots_of_rotor(R)[0], int(n/2))
[docs]def interp_objects_root(C1, C2, alpha): """ Hadfield and Lasenby, Direct Linear Interpolation of Geometric Objects, AGACSE2018 Directly linearly interpolates conformal objects Return a valid object from the addition result C """ C = (1 - alpha) * C1 + alpha*C2 C3 = neg_twiddle_root(C)[0].normal() if cf.grade_obj(C1, 0.00001) != cf.grade_obj(C3, 0.00001): raise ValueError('Created object is not same grade') return C3
[docs]def general_object_interpolation(object_alpha_array, object_list, new_alpha_array, kind='linear'): """ Hadfield and Lasenby, Direct Linear Interpolation of Geometric Objects, AGACSE2018 This is a general interpolation through the """ obj_array = np.transpose(MVArray(object_list).value) f = interp1d(object_alpha_array, obj_array, kind=kind) new_value_array = np.transpose(f(new_alpha_array)) new_conf_array = MVArray.from_value_array(layout, new_value_array) return [neg_twiddle_root(C)[0].normal() for C in new_conf_array]
[docs]@numba.njit def val_average_objects_with_weights(obj_array, weights_array): """ Hadfield and Lasenby, Direct Linear Interpolation of Geometric Objects, AGACSE2018 Directly averages conformal objects Return a valid object from the addition result C """ C_val = np.zeros(32) for i in range(obj_array.shape[0]): C_val += obj_array[i, :]*weights_array[i] C3 = val_normalised(neg_twiddle_root_val(C_val)[0, :]) return C3
[docs]@numba.njit def val_average_objects(obj_array): """ Hadfield and Lasenby, Direct Linear Interpolation of Geometric Objects, AGACSE2018 Directly averages conformal objects Return a valid object from the addition result C """ C_val = np.zeros(32) for i in range(obj_array.shape[0]): C_val += obj_array[i, :] C_val = C_val / obj_array.shape[0] C3 = val_normalised(neg_twiddle_root_val(C_val)[0, :]) return C3
[docs]def average_objects(obj_list, weights=[], check_grades=True): """ Hadfield and Lasenby, Direct Linear Interpolation of Geometric Objects, AGACSE2018 Directly averages conformal objects Return a valid object from the addition result C """ if len(weights) == len(obj_list): C = sum([o * w for o, w in zip(obj_list, weights)]) else: C = sum(obj_list) / len(obj_list) C3 = neg_twiddle_root(C)[0].normal() if check_grades: if cf.grade_obj(obj_list[0], 0.00001) != cf.grade_obj(C3, 0.00001): raise ValueError('Created object is not same grade \n' + str(obj_list[0]) + '\n' + str(C3)) return C3
[docs]def rotor_between_objects(X1, X2): """ Lasenby and Hadfield AGACSE2018 For any two conformal objects X1 and X2 this returns a rotor that takes X1 to X2 Return a valid object from the addition result 1 + gamma*X2X1 """ return rotor_between_objects_root(X1.normal(), X2.normal())
def TRS_between_rounds(X1, X2): """ Calculate the TRS rotor between any pair of rounds of the same grade Bring rounds to origin, line up carriers, calculate scale """ T1 = generate_translation_rotor(-down((X1 * einf * X1)(1))) X1h = (T1 * X1 * ~T1).normal() T2 = generate_translation_rotor(-down((X2 * einf * X2)(1))) X2h = (T2 * X2 * ~T2).normal() X1f = (X1h ^ einf).normal() X2f = (X2h ^ einf).normal() Rc = rotor_between_objects(X1f, X2f) S = generate_dilation_rotor(get_radius_from_sphere((X2h*X2f*I5).normal())/get_radius_from_sphere((X1h*X1f*I5).normal())) return ((~T2)*S*Rc*T1).normal() @numba.njit def motor_between_rounds(X1, X2): """ Calculate the motor between any pair of rounds of the same grade Line up the carriers, then line up the centers Optimised form of this: R = rotor_between_objects((X1^einf).normal(), (X2^einf).normal()) X3 = apply_rotor(X1, R) C1 = normalise_n_minus_1((X3 * einf * X3)(1)).value[1:4] C2 = normalise_n_minus_1((X2 * einf * X2)(1)).value[1:4] t = layout.MultiVector() t.value[1:4] = C2 - C1 T = generate_translation_rotor(t) return (T*R).normal() """ F1 = (X1 ^ ninf).normal() F2 = (X2 ^ ninf).normal() if np.abs(F1.value[31]) > 1E-5: # Its spheres we are dealing with R = unit_scalar_mv X3 = X1 else: R = rotor_between_objects_root(F1, F2) X3 = apply_rotor(X1, R) C1 = normalise_n_minus_1((X3 * ninf * X3)(1)) C2 = normalise_n_minus_1((X2 * ninf * X2)(1)) t = layout.MultiVector(np.zeros(32)) t.value[1:4] = (C2 - C1).value[1:4] T = generate_translation_rotor(t) return (T * R).normal() @numba.njit @_defunct_wrapper def val_motor_between_rounds(X1, X2): return motor_between_rounds(layout.MultiVector(X1), layout.MultiVector(X2)).value @numba.njit @_defunct_wrapper def val_motor_between_objects(X1, X2): return motor_between_objects(layout.MultiVector(X1), layout.MultiVector(X2)).value @numba.njit def motor_between_objects(X1, X2): """ Calculates a motor that takes X1 to X2 """ carrier = (X1 ^ ninf) if np.sum(np.abs(carrier.value)) < 1E-4: # They are flats return rotor_between_objects_root(X1, X2) else: # Rounds return motor_between_rounds(X1, X2)
[docs]def calculate_S_over_mu(X1, X2): """ Lasenby and Hadfield AGACSE2018 For any two conformal objects X1 and X2 this returns a factor that corrects the X1 + X2 back to a blade """ gamma1 = (X1 * X1)[()] gamma2 = (X2 * X2)[()] M12 = X1 * X2 + X2 * X1 K = 2 + gamma1 * M12 mu = (K[()]**2 - K(4)**2)[()] if sum(np.abs(M12(4).value)) > 0.0000001: lamb = (-(K(4) * K(4)))[()] mu = K[()] ** 2 + lamb root_mu = np.sqrt(mu) if abs(lamb) < 0.0000001: beta = 1.0 / (2 * np.sqrt(K[()])) else: beta_sqrd = 1 / (2 * (root_mu + K[()])) beta = np.sqrt(beta_sqrd) S = -gamma1/(2*beta) + beta*M12(4) return S/np.sqrt(mu) else: S = np.sqrt(abs(K[()])) return S/np.sqrt(mu)
I5eo = (I5 * eo) biv3dmask = (e12+e13+e23)
[docs]@numba.njit def val_rotor_between_objects_root(X1, X2): return rotor_between_objects_root( layout.MultiVector(X1), layout.MultiVector(X2) ).value
@numba.njit def rotor_between_objects_root(X1, X2): """ Lasenby and Hadfield AGACSE2018 For any two conformal objects X1 and X2 this returns a rotor that takes X1 to X2 Uses the square root of rotors for efficiency and numerical stability """ X21 = (X2 * X1) X12 = (X1 * X2) gamma = (X1 * X1).value[0] if gamma > 0: C = 1 + gamma*(X2 * X1) if abs(C.value[0]) < 1E-6: R = (I5eo * X21)(2).normal() return (R * rotor_between_objects_root(X1, -X2)).normal() return pos_twiddle_root(C)[0].normal() else: C = 1 - X21 if abs(C.value[0]) < 1E-6: R = (I5eo * X21)(2) R = (R * biv3dmask)(2).normal() R2 = rotor_between_objects_root(apply_rotor(X1, R), X2).normal() return (R2 * R).normal() else: return C.normal()
[docs]@numba.njit def val_rotor_between_objects_explicit(X1, X2): """ Lasenby and Hadfield AGACSE2018 For any two conformal objects X1 and X2 this returns a rotor that takes X1 to X2 Implements an optimised version of:: gamma1 = (X1 * X1)[0] gamma2 = (X2 * X2)[0] M12 = X1*X2 + X2*X1 K = 2 + gamma1*M12 if np.sum(np.abs(K.value)) < 0.0000001: return 1 + 0*e1 if sum(np.abs(M12(4).value)) > 0.0000001: lamb = (-(K(4) * K(4)))[0] mu = K[0]**2 + lamb root_mu = np.sqrt(mu) if abs(lamb) < 0.0000001: beta = 1.0/(2*np.sqrt(K[0])) else: beta_sqrd = 1/(2*(root_mu + K[0])) beta = np.sqrt(beta_sqrd) R = ( beta*K(4) - (1/(2*beta)) )*(1 + gamma1*X2*X1)/(root_mu) return R else: return (1 + gamma1*X2*X1)/(np.sqrt(abs(K[0]))) """ gamma1 = gmt_func(X1, X1)[0] gamma2 = gmt_func(X2, X2)[0] # if abs(abs(gamma1) - 1.0) > 0.00001: # raise ValueError('X1 must be normalised to give abs(X1*X1) == 1') # elif abs(abs(gamma2) - 1.0) > 0.00001: # raise ValueError('X1 must be normalised to give abs(X1*X1) == 1') # elif abs(gamma1 - gamma2) > 0.00001: # raise ValueError('X1 and X2 must square to the same value') M12_val = gmt_func(X1, X2) + gmt_func(X2, X1) K_val = gamma1 * M12_val K_val[0] = K_val[0] + 2 if np.sum(np.abs(K_val)) < 0.0000001: return unit_scalar_mv.value if np.sum(np.abs(project_val(M12_val, 4))) > 0.00001: K_val_4 = project_val(K_val, 4) lamb = -gmt_func(K_val_4, K_val_4)[0] mu = K_val[0] ** 2 + lamb root_mu = np.sqrt(mu) beta_sqrd = 1 / (2*root_mu + 2*K_val[0]) beta = np.sqrt(beta_sqrd) temp_1 = beta * K_val_4 temp_1[0] = temp_1[0] - (1 / (2 * beta)) temp_2 = gamma1*gmt_func(X2, X1) temp_2[0] = temp_2[0] + 1.0 R_val = gmt_func(temp_1, temp_2) / root_mu return R_val else: temp_1 = gamma1 * gmt_func(X2, X1) temp_1[0] += 1.0 return temp_1/(np.sqrt(abs(K_val[0])))
sparse_line_gmt = layout.gmt_func_generator(grades_a=[3], grades_b=[3])
[docs]@numba.njit @_defunct_wrapper def val_norm(mv_val): return norm(layout.MultiVector(mv_val))
[docs]@numba.njit def norm(mv): """ Alias of :meth:`clifford.MultiVector.__abs__` """ return abs(mv)
[docs]@numba.njit @_defunct_wrapper def val_normalised(mv_val): return normalised(layout.MultiVector(mv_val)).value
[docs]@numba.njit def normalised(mv): """ Alias of :meth:`clifford.MultiVector.normal` """ return mv.normal()
[docs]@numba.njit @_defunct_wrapper def val_rotor_between_lines(L1_val, L2_val): """ Implements a very optimised rotor line to line extraction """ return rotor_between_lines( layout.MultiVector(L1_val), layout.MultiVector(L2_val) ).value
[docs]@numba.njit def rotor_between_lines(L1, L2): """ Implements a very optimised rotor line to line extraction """ L21 = layout.MultiVector(sparse_line_gmt(L2.value, L1.value)) L12 = layout.MultiVector(sparse_line_gmt(L1.value, L2.value)) K = L21 + L12 + 2.0 beta = K(4) alpha = 2 * K.value[0] denominator = np.sqrt(alpha / 2) numerator = 1.0 - beta/alpha normalisation = numerator/denominator output = 1 + L21 return normalisation * output
[docs]@numba.njit def rotor_between_planes(P1, P2): """ return the rotor between two planes """ return (1 - (P2 * P1)).normal()
[docs]@numba.njit @_defunct_wrapper def val_rotor_rotor_between_planes(P1_val, P2_val): return rotor_between_planes( layout.MultiVector(P1_val), layout.MultiVector(P2_val) ).value
[docs]def random_bivector(*, rng=None): r""" Creates a random bivector on the form described by R. Wareham in Mesh Vertex Pose and Position Interpolation using Geometric Algebra. $$ B = ab + c*n_{\inf}$$ where $a, b, c \in \mathcal(R)^3$ """ rng = np.random.default_rng(rng) a = random_euc_mv(rng=rng) c = random_euc_mv(rng=rng) return a * I3 + c * ninf
[docs]def standard_point_pair_at_origin(): """ Creates a standard point pair at the origin """ return (up(-0.5*e1)^up(0.5*e1)).normal()
[docs]def random_point_pair_at_origin(*, rng=None): """ Creates a random point pair bivector object at the origin """ mv_a = random_euc_mv(rng=rng) plane_a = (mv_a*I3).normal() mv_b = plane_a*mv_a*plane_a pp = (up(mv_a) ^ up(mv_b)).normal() return pp
[docs]def random_point_pair(*, rng=None): """ Creates a random point pair bivector object """ rng = np.random.default_rng(rng) mv_a = random_euc_mv(rng=rng) mv_b = random_euc_mv(rng=rng) pp = (up(mv_a) ^ up(mv_b)).normal() return pp
[docs]def standard_line_at_origin(): """ Creates a standard line at the origin """ return (standard_point_pair_at_origin()^einf).normal()
[docs]def random_line_at_origin(*, rng=None): """ Creates a random line at the origin """ pp = (random_point_pair_at_origin(rng=rng)^einf).normal() return pp
[docs]def random_line(*, rng=None): """ Creates a random line """ rng = np.random.default_rng(rng) mv_a = random_euc_mv(rng=rng) mv_b = random_euc_mv(rng=rng) line_a = ((up(mv_a) ^ up(mv_b) ^ ninf)).normal() return line_a
[docs]def random_circle_at_origin(*, rng=None): """ Creates a random circle at the origin """ rng = np.random.default_rng(rng) mv_a = random_euc_mv(rng=rng) mv_r = random_euc_mv(rng=rng) r = generate_rotation_rotor(np.pi/2, mv_a, mv_r) mv_b = r*mv_a*~r mv_c = r * mv_b * ~r pp = (up(mv_a) ^ up(mv_b) ^ up(mv_c)).normal() return pp
[docs]def random_circle(*, rng=None): """ Creates a random circle """ rng = np.random.default_rng(rng) A = random_conformal_point(rng=rng) B = random_conformal_point(rng=rng) C = random_conformal_point(rng=rng) return (A^B^C).normal()
[docs]def random_sphere_at_origin(*, rng=None): """ Creates a random sphere at the origin """ C = random_circle_at_origin(rng=rng) sphere = circle_to_sphere(C) return sphere
[docs]def random_sphere(*, rng=None): """ Creates a random sphere """ rng = np.random.default_rng(rng) mv_a = random_euc_mv(rng=rng) mv_b = random_euc_mv(rng=rng) mv_c = random_euc_mv(rng=rng) mv_d = random_euc_mv(rng=rng) sphere = ((up(mv_a) ^ up(mv_b) ^ up(mv_c) ^ up(mv_d))).normal() return sphere
[docs]def random_plane_at_origin(*, rng=None): """ Creates a random plane at the origin """ c = random_circle_at_origin(rng=rng) plane = (c ^ einf).normal() return plane
[docs]def random_plane(*, rng=None): """ Creates a random plane """ c = random_circle(rng=rng) plane = (c ^ ninf).normal() return plane
[docs]@numba.njit @_defunct_wrapper def val_apply_rotor(mv_val, rotor_val): return apply_rotor( layout.MultiVector(mv_val), layout.MultiVector(rotor_val), ).value
[docs]@numba.njit def apply_rotor(mv_in, rotor): """ Applies rotor to multivector in a fast way """ return rotor * (mv_in * ~rotor)
[docs]@numba.njit @_defunct_wrapper def val_apply_rotor_inv(mv_val, rotor_val, rotor_val_inv): return apply_rotor_inv( layout.MultiVector(mv_val), layout.MultiVector(rotor_val), layout.MultiVector(rotor_val_inv) ).value
[docs]@numba.njit def apply_rotor_inv(mv_in, rotor, rotor_inv): """ Applies rotor to multivector in a fast way takes pre computed adjoint""" return rotor * (mv_in * rotor_inv)
[docs]@numba.njit def mult_with_ninf(mv): """ Convenience function for multiplication with ninf """ return gmt_func(mv, ninf.value)
# @numba.njit
[docs]def val_convert_2D_polar_line_to_conformal_line(rho, theta): """ Converts a 2D polar line to a conformal line """ a = np.cos(theta) b = np.sin(theta) x0 = a * rho y0 = b * rho x1 = int(x0 + 10000 * (-b)) y1 = int(y0 + 10000 * (a)) x2 = int(x0 - 10000 * (-b)) y2 = int(y0 - 10000 * (a)) p1_val = val_convert_2D_point_to_conformal(x1, y1) p2_val = val_convert_2D_point_to_conformal(x2, y2) line_val = omt_func(omt_func(p1_val, p2_val), ninf.value) line_val = line_val/abs(layout.MultiVector(line_val)) return line_val
[docs]@numba.njit def convert_2D_polar_line_to_conformal_line(rho, theta): """ Converts a 2D polar line to a conformal line """ line_val = val_convert_2D_polar_line_to_conformal_line(rho, theta) return layout.MultiVector(line_val)
[docs]@numba.njit @_defunct_wrapper def val_up(mv_val): return fast_up(layout.MultiVector(mv_val)).value
[docs]@numba.njit def fast_up(mv): """ Fast jitted up mapping """ return mv - no + (0.5 * ((mv * mv) * ninf))
[docs]@numba.njit @_defunct_wrapper def val_normalInv(mv_val): return fast_normalInv(layout.MultiVector(mv_val)).value
@numba.njit def fast_normalInv(mv): """ A fast, jitted version of normalInv """ Madjoint = ~mv MadjointM = (Madjoint * mv).value[0] return Madjoint / MadjointM
[docs]@numba.njit @_defunct_wrapper def val_homo(mv_val): return fast_homo(layout.MultiVector(mv_val)).value
@numba.njit def fast_homo(mv): """ A fast, jitted version of homo() """ return mv * fast_normalInv(-mv | ninf)
[docs]@numba.njit @_defunct_wrapper def val_down(mv_val): return fast_down(layout.MultiVector(mv_val)).value
[docs]@numba.njit def fast_down(mv): """ A fast version of down() """ return (fast_homo(mv) ^ E0) * E0
[docs]def val_distance_point_to_line(point, line): """ Returns the euclidean distance between a point and a line """ return float(abs(layout.MultiVector(omt_func(point, line))))
[docs]@numba.njit @_defunct_wrapper def val_convert_2D_point_to_conformal(x, y): return convert_2D_point_to_conformal(x, y).value
[docs]@numba.njit def convert_2D_point_to_conformal(x, y): """ Convert a 2D point to conformal """ mv_val = np.zeros(32) mv_val[1] = x mv_val[2] = y return fast_up(layout.MultiVector(mv_val))
[docs]def distance_polar_line_to_euc_point_2d(rho, theta, x, y): """ Return the distance between a polar line and a euclidean point in 2D """ point = val_convert_2D_point_to_conformal(x, y) line = val_convert_2D_polar_line_to_conformal_line(rho, theta) return val_distance_point_to_line(point, line)
dual_gmt_func = layout.gmt_func_generator(grades_a=[5], grades_b=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
[docs]@numba.njit @_defunct_wrapper def dual_func(a_val): return fast_dual(layout.MultiVector(a_val)).value
[docs]@numba.njit def fast_dual(a): """ Fast dual """ return layout.MultiVector(dual_gmt_func(I5.value, a.value))
class ConformalMVArray(cf.MVArray): """ This class is for storing arrays of conformal multivectors """ def draw(self): ''' display mvarray using a given visualization backend currently supports pyganja. ''' if pyganja_available: return draw([mv for mv in self]) else: pass def up(self): """ Up mapping """ return v_up(self) def down(self): """ Down mapping """ return v_down(self) def dual(self): """ Dualisation """ return v_dual(self) def apply_rotor(self, R): """ Application of a rotor """ R_inv = ~R return v_apply_rotor_inv(self, R, R_inv) def apply_rotor_inv(self, R, R_inv): """ Application of a rotor with precomputed inverse """ return v_apply_rotor_inv(self, R, R_inv) @property def value(self): """ Return an np array of the values of multivectors """ return np.array([mv.value for mv in self]) @staticmethod def from_value_array(value_array): """ Constructs an array of mvs from a value array """ return ConformalMVArray(v_new_mv(value_array)) v_dual = np.vectorize(fast_dual, otypes=[ConformalMVArray]) v_new_mv = np.vectorize(lambda v: layout.MultiVector(v), otypes=[ConformalMVArray], signature='(n)->()') v_up = np.vectorize(fast_up, otypes=[ConformalMVArray]) v_down = np.vectorize(fast_down, otypes=[ConformalMVArray]) v_apply_rotor_inv = np.vectorize(apply_rotor_inv, otypes=[ConformalMVArray]) v_meet = np.vectorize(meet, otypes=[ConformalMVArray], signature='(),()->()')