Source code for

Tools for fitting geometric primitives to point clouds

Object Fitting

.. autosummary::
    :toctree: generated/


from . import *

[docs]@numba.njit def val_fit_circle(point_list): """ Performs Leo Dorsts circle fitting technique """ # Check if there are just 3 points if point_list.shape[0] == 3: best_obj = point_list[0, :] for i in range(1, 3): best_obj = omt_func(best_obj, point_list[i, :]) return val_normalised(best_obj) # Loop over our points and construct the matrix accumulator_matrix = np.zeros((32, 32)) for i in range(point_list.shape[0]): # Get the point as a left gmt matrix P_i_l = get_left_gmt_matrix(point_list[i, :]) # Multiply and add accumulator_matrix += P_i_l @ mask0 @ P_i_l accumulator_matrix = accumulator_matrix @ mask1 # Find the eigenvalues of the matrix e_vals, e_vecs = np.linalg.eig(accumulator_matrix) # Find the smallest and second smallest non negative eigenvalues min_eval = np.inf min_eval2 = np.inf min_eval_index = -1 min_eval_index2 = -1 for i in range(len(e_vals)): this_e_val = e_vals[i] if this_e_val > 0: if this_e_val < min_eval: min_eval2 = min_eval min_eval = this_e_val min_eval_index2 = min_eval_index min_eval_index = i elif this_e_val < min_eval2: min_eval2 = this_e_val min_eval_index2 = i best_sphere = val_normalised(mask1@np.real(e_vecs[:, min_eval_index])) second_best_sphere = val_normalised(mask1@np.real(e_vecs[:, min_eval_index2])) best_circle = val_normalised(mask3@dual_func(omt_func(best_sphere, second_best_sphere))) return best_circle
[docs]def fit_circle(point_list): """ Performs Leo Dorsts circle fitting technique """ return layout.MultiVector(val_fit_circle(np.array([p.value for p in point_list])))
[docs]@numba.njit def val_fit_line(point_list): """ Does line fitting with combo J.Lasenbys method and L. Dorsts """ # Check if there are just 2 points if point_list.shape[0] == 2: best_obj = point_list[0, :] for i in range(1, 2): best_obj = omt_func(best_obj, point_list[i, :]) return val_normalised(omt_func(best_obj, ninf_val)) accumulator_matrix = np.zeros((32, 32)) for i in range(point_list.shape[0]): P_i_l = get_left_gmt_matrix(point_list[i, :]) P_i_r = get_right_gmt_matrix(point_list[i, :]) accumulator_matrix += mask3@P_i_l@P_i_r # Find the eigenvalues of the matrix e_vals, e_vecs = np.linalg.eig(accumulator_matrix) # Find the smallest non negative eigenvalue min_eval = np.inf min_eval_index = -1 for i in range(len(e_vals)): if e_vals[i] < min_eval and e_vals[i] > 0: min_eval = e_vals[i] min_eval_index = i best_line = mask3@omt_func(dual_func(e_vecs[:, min_eval_index]), ninf_val) return val_normalised(best_line)
[docs]def fit_line(point_list): """ Does line fitting with combo J.Lasenbys method and L. Dorsts """ return layout.MultiVector(val_fit_line(np.array([p.value for p in point_list])))
[docs]@numba.njit def val_fit_sphere(point_list): """ Performs Leo Dorsts sphere fitting technique """ # Check if there are just 4 points if point_list.shape[0] == 4: best_sphere = point_list[0, :] for i in range(1, 4): best_sphere = omt_func(best_sphere, point_list[i, :]) return val_normalised(best_sphere) # Loop over our points and construct the matrix accumulator_matrix = np.zeros((32, 32)) for i in range(point_list.shape[0]): # Get the point as a left gmt matrix P_i_l = get_left_gmt_matrix(point_list[i, :]) # Multiply and add accumulator_matrix += P_i_l @ mask0 @ P_i_l accumulator_matrix = accumulator_matrix @ mask1 # Find the eigenvalues of the matrix e_vals, e_vecs = np.linalg.eig(accumulator_matrix) # Find the smallest non negative eigenvalues min_eval = np.inf min_eval_index = -1 for i in range(len(e_vals)): if e_vals[i] < min_eval and e_vals[i] > 0: min_eval = e_vals[i] min_eval_index = i best_sphere = val_normalised(mask4@dual_func(np.real(e_vecs[:, min_eval_index]))) return best_sphere
[docs]def fit_sphere(point_list): """ Performs Leo Dorsts sphere fitting technique """ return layout.MultiVector(val_fit_sphere(np.array([p.value for p in point_list])))
[docs]@numba.njit def val_fit_plane(point_list): """ Does plane fitting with combo J.Lasenbys method and L. Dorsts """ # Check if there are just 3 points if point_list.shape[0] == 3: best_obj = point_list[0, :] for i in range(1, 3): best_obj = omt_func(best_obj, point_list[i, :]) return val_normalised(omt_func(best_obj, ninf_val)) accumulator_matrix = np.zeros((32, 32)) for i in range(point_list.shape[0]): P_i_l = get_left_gmt_matrix(point_list[i, :]) P_i_r = get_right_gmt_matrix(point_list[i, :]) accumulator_matrix += mask4@P_i_l@P_i_r e_vals, e_vecs = np.linalg.eig(accumulator_matrix) min_eval = np.inf min_eval_index = -1 for i in range(len(e_vals)): if e_vals[i] < min_eval and e_vals[i] > 0: min_eval = e_vals[i] min_eval_index = i best_plane = val_normalised(mask4@e_vecs[:, min_eval_index]) return best_plane
[docs]def fit_plane(point_list): """ Does plane fitting with combo J.Lasenbys method and L. Dorsts """ return layout.MultiVector(val_fit_plane(np.array([p.value for p in point_list])))