Source code for clifford.transformations

.. currentmodule:: clifford.transformations

transformations (:mod:`clifford.transformations`)

.. versionadded:: 1.3.0

This module may in future become the home for optimized rotor transformations,
or non-linear transformations.

See the :ref:`/tutorials/linear-transformations.ipynb` tutorial for an
introduction to how to use parts of this module.

Base classes

.. autodata:: Transformation

.. autoclass:: Linear

.. autoclass:: FixedLayout

Matrix-backed implementations

.. autoclass:: LinearMatrix

.. autoclass:: OutermorphismMatrix

Helper functions

.. autofunction:: between_basis_vectors

from typing import Dict, Any, Callable
from abc import abstractmethod

import numpy as np

from ._bit_helpers import set_bit_indices
from ._layout_helpers import BasisBladeOrder
from ._multivector import MultiVector
from ._layout import Layout

# keep this in sync with the docstring!
__all__ = [



def _make_outermorphism(
    t_vector: np.ndarray,
    src_order: BasisBladeOrder,
    dst_order: BasisBladeOrder,
) -> np.ndarray:
    """ Extend the matrix transformation `t_vector` to operate on multivectors

    The extension is done via an outermorphism, using the provided outer product

    The resulting matrix has its first dimension indexed by blades in
    `dst_order`, and its second dimension indexed by blades in `src_order`.
    This means that the resulting matrix can be used as
    ``to_value = M @ from_value``.

    This is an internal function used to implement the higher-level APIs.
    n_dst, n_src = t_vector.shape
    full_n_dst = len(dst_order.index_to_bitmap)
    full_n_src = len(src_order.index_to_bitmap)

    t = np.zeros((full_n_dst, full_n_src), dtype=t_vector.dtype)

    # shorthand so this fits in our indexing below
    t_ind = dst_order.bitmap_to_index
    f_ind = src_order.bitmap_to_index

    # fill the vectors
    for v_dst in range(n_dst):
        for v_src in range(n_src):
            t[t_ind[1 << v_dst], f_ind[1 << v_src]] = t_vector[v_dst, v_src]

    # Fill in the rest. Note this algorithm is inefficient, as it computes
    # f(e1)^f(e2) and f(e1)^f(e2)^f(e3) without reusing intermediate results.
    for i_src in range(full_n_src):
        # vectors were already filled
        if src_order.grades[i_src] == 1:

        out = t[:, i_src]

        # f(e1^...^en) == f(e1)^...^f(en)
        out[t_ind[0]] = 1
        for v_src in set_bit_indices(src_order.index_to_bitmap[i_src]):
            out[:] = dst_omt_func(out[:], t[:, f_ind[1 << v_src]])

    return t

Transformation = Callable[[MultiVector], MultiVector]
""" A callable mapping one MultiVector to another. """

[docs]class Linear(Transformation): """ A transformation which is linear, such that for scalar :math:`a_i`, :math:`f(a_1 x_1 + a_2 x_2) = a_1 f(x_1) + a_2 f(x_2)`. """ @property @abstractmethod def adjoint(self) -> "LinearMatrix": r""" The adjoint function :math:`\bar f` This is such that :math:`f(a) * b = a * \bar f(b)`, where :math:`*` is the scalar product. See GA4CS section 4.3.2. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class FixedLayout(Transformation): """ A transformation with a fixed source and destination layout. Parameters ---------- layout_src : :class:`~clifford.Layout` of S dimensions The layout from which this transformation takes multivectors as input layout_dst : :class:`~clifford.Layout` of D dimensions The layout in which this transformation produces multivectors as output. Defaults to the same as the input. """ def __init__(self, layout_src: Layout, layout_dst: Layout = None): if layout_dst is None: layout_dst = layout_src self.layout_src = layout_src self.layout_dst = layout_dst @abstractmethod def __call__(self, mv: MultiVector) -> MultiVector: """ Apply this transformation """ if mv.layout != self.layout_src: raise ValueError("Object is from the wrong layout") # superclass should produce the result def _repr_pretty_layout_args_helper(self, p): """ helper function to be called by _repr_pretty_ in subclasses to print the layout arguments """ if self.layout_src is not self.layout_dst: # only show both if they're different prefix = 'layout_src=' with, prefix, ''): p.pretty(self.layout_src) p.text(',') p.breakable() prefix = 'layout_dst=' with, prefix, ''): p.pretty(self.layout_dst) else: p.pretty(self.layout_src)
[docs]class LinearMatrix(FixedLayout, Linear): """ Linear transformation implemented by a matrix Transformations need not be grade preserving. Parameters ---------- matrix : (2**D, 2**S) array_like A matrix that transforms multivectors from `layout_src` with :math:`2^S` elements to multivectors in `layout_dst` with :math:`2^D` elements, by left-multiplication. layout_src : ~clifford.Layout of S dimensions Passed on to :class:`FixedLayout`. layout_dst : ~clifford.Layout of D dimensions Passed on to :class:`FixedLayout`. See Also -------- clifford.BladeMap : A faster but less general approach that works on basis blades """ def __init__(self, matrix, layout_src: Layout, layout_dst: Layout = None): super().__init__(layout_src, layout_dst) expected_shape = (self.layout_dst.gaDims, self.layout_src.gaDims) if matrix.shape != expected_shape: raise ValueError( "Matrix should have shape {} to transform multivectors from " "layout_src to layout_dst, but has shape {}" .format(expected_shape, matrix.shape) ) self._matrix = matrix def __call__(self, mv: MultiVector) -> MultiVector: super().__call__(mv) return self.layout_dst.MultiVector(value=self._matrix @ mv.value) @property def adjoint(self) -> "LinearMatrix": """ The adjoint transformation """ return LinearMatrix(self._matrix.T, self.layout_dst, self.layout_src)
[docs] @classmethod def from_function(cls, func: Callable[[MultiVector], MultiVector], layout_src: Layout, layout_dst: Layout = None) -> 'LinearMatrix': """ Build a linear transformation from the result of a function applied to each basis blade. Parameters ---------- func : A function taking basis blades from `layout_src` that produces multivectors in `layout_dst`. layout_src : ~clifford.Layout of S dimensions The layout to pass into the generating function layout_dst : ~clifford.Layout of D dimensions The layout the generating function is expected to produce. If not passed, this is inferred. Example ------- >>> from clifford import transformations, Layout >>> l = Layout([1, 1]) >>> e1, e2 = l.basis_vectors_lst >>> rot_90 = transformations.LinearMatrix.from_function(lambda x: (1 + e1*e2)*x*(1 - e1*e2)/2, l) >>> rot_90(e1) (1.0^e2) >>> rot_90(e2) -(1.0^e1) >>> rot_90(e1*e2) (1.0^e12) See also -------- LinearMatrix.from_rotor : a shorter way to spell the above example clifford.linear_operator_as_matrix : a lower-level function for working with a subset of basis blades """ blades_dst = [ func(b_src) for b_src in layout_src.blades_list ] # check the layouts of the resulting blades match for d in blades_dst: if layout_dst is None: layout_dst = d.layout elif d.layout != layout_dst: raise ValueError( "result of func() is from the wrong layout, expected: {}, " "got {}.".format(layout_dst, d.layout)) matrix = np.array([b_dst.value for b_dst in blades_dst]) return cls(matrix, layout_src, layout_dst)
[docs] @classmethod def from_rotor(cls, rotor: MultiVector) -> 'LinearMatrix': """ Build a linear transformation from the result of applying a rotor sandwich. The resulting transformation operates within the algebra of the provided rotor. Parameters ---------- rotor : The rotor to apply Example ------- >>> from clifford import transformations, Layout >>> l = Layout([1, 1]) >>> e1, e2 = l.basis_vectors_lst >>> rot_90 = transformations.LinearMatrix.from_rotor(1 + e1*e2) >>> rot_90(e1) (1.0^e2) >>> rot_90(e2) -(1.0^e1) >>> rot_90(e1*e2) (1.0^e12) """ # precompute for speed rotor_rev = ~rotor rotor_mag2 = rotor.mag2() return cls.from_function( lambda x: (rotor*x*rotor_rev)/rotor_mag2, rotor.layout, rotor.layout )
def _repr_pretty_(self, p, cycle): if cycle: raise RuntimeError("Should not be cyclic") prefix = '{}('.format(type(self).__name__) with, prefix, ')'): p.pretty(self._matrix) p.text(',') p.breakable() self._repr_pretty_layout_args_helper(p)
[docs]class OutermorphismMatrix(LinearMatrix): r""" A generalization of a linear transformation to vectors via the outer product. Namely, given a linear transformation :math:`F(u) \to v`, this generalizes to the blades by outermorphism, :math:`F(u_1 \wedge u_2) \to F(u_1) \wedge F(u_2)`, and to the multivectors by distributivity. Such a transformation is grade preserving. See GA4CS Chapter 4 for more information Arguments --------- matrix : (D, S) array_like A matrix that transforms vectors from `layout_src` of size S to vectors in `layout_dst` of size D by left-multiplication. layout_src : ~clifford.Layout of S dimensions Passed on to :class:`FixedLayout`. layout_dst : ~clifford.Layout of D dimensions Passed on to :class:`FixedLayout`. Example ------- We can construct a simple transformation that permutes and non-uniformly scales the basis vectors:: >>> from clifford import transformations, Layout >>> layout = Layout([1, 1, 1]) >>> e1, e2, e3 = layout.basis_vectors_lst >>> layout_new = Layout([1, 1, 1], names='f') >>> m = np.array([[0, 1, 0], ... [0, 0, 2], ... [3, 0, 0]]) >>> lt = transformations.OutermorphismMatrix(m, layout, layout_new) Applying it to some multivectors:: >>> # the transformation we specified >>> lt(e1), lt(e2), lt(e3) ((3^f3), (1^f1), (2^f2)) >>> # the one deduced by outermorphism >>> lt(e1^e2), lt(e2^e3), lt(e1^e3) (-(3^f13), (2^f12), -(6^f23)) >>> # and by distributivity >>> lt(1 + (e1^e2^e3)) 1 + (6^f123) """ def __init__(self, matrix, layout_src: Layout, layout_dst: Layout = None): if layout_dst is None: layout_dst = layout_src expected_shape = (layout_dst.dims, layout_src.dims) if matrix.shape != expected_shape: raise ValueError( "Matrix should have shape {} to transform vectors from " "layout_src to layout_dst, but has shape {}" .format(expected_shape, matrix.shape) ) full_matrix = _make_outermorphism( matrix, src_order=layout_src._basis_blade_order, dst_order=layout_dst._basis_blade_order, dst_omt_func=layout_dst.omt_func, ) super().__init__(full_matrix, layout_src, layout_dst) self._vector_matrix = matrix def _repr_pretty_(self, p, cycle): if cycle: raise RuntimeError("Should not be cyclic") prefix = '{}('.format(type(self).__name__) with, prefix, ')'): p.pretty(self._vector_matrix) p.text(',') p.breakable() self._repr_pretty_layout_args_helper(p)
[docs]def between_basis_vectors(layout_src: Layout, layout_dst: Layout, mapping: Dict[Any, Any]=None) -> OutermorphismMatrix: """ Construct an outermorphism that maps basis vectors from one layout to basis vectors in another. Parameters ---------- layout_src : ~clifford.Layout Passed on to :class:`FixedLayout`. layout_dst : ~clifford.Layout Passed on to :class:`FixedLayout`. mapping : If provided, a dictionary mapping the ids of source basis vectors to the ids of destination basis vectors. For example, ``{1: 2, 2: 3, 3: 1}`` would permute the basis vectors of :mod:`clifford.g3`. Example ------- See the tutorial on :ref:`/tutorials/apollonius-cga-augmented.ipynb` for a motivating example. """ # TODO: we know that the matrix has at most one 1 or -1 in every row or # column, so it would be faster to compute this via a reorder and a sign # multiplication. src_ids = layout_src._basis_vector_ids.values dst_ids = layout_dst._basis_vector_ids.values if mapping is None: # map by name common_vector_ids = set(src_ids) & set(dst_ids) mapping = {v_id: v_id for v_id in common_vector_ids} try: # convert to indexes index_pairs = [ (src_ids.index(src_id), dst_ids.index(dst_id)) for src_id, dst_id in mapping.items() ] except ValueError: # produce a better error unknown_src = set(mapping.keys()) - set(src_ids) unknown_dst = set(mapping.keys()) - set(dst_ids) raise ValueError( "Unknown basis vectors in src: {}, dst: {}" .format(unknown_src, unknown_dst) ) from None del mapping # build the matrix of ones matrix = np.zeros((layout_dst.dims, layout_src.dims), dtype=int) for src_index, dst_index in index_pairs: matrix[dst_index, src_index] = 1 return OutermorphismMatrix(matrix, layout_src, layout_dst)