Source code for

Tools for 3DGA (g3)

3DGA Tools

Rotation Conversion Methods

.. autosummary::
    :toctree: generated/


Generation Methods

.. autosummary::
    :toctree: generated/



.. autosummary::
    :toctree: generated/



from clifford.g3c import *
import clifford as cf
import math
import numpy as np
import numba

I3 = e123

[docs]def quaternion_to_rotor(quaternion): """ Converts a quaternion into a pure rotation rotor """ Q = layout.MultiVector() Q.value[1:4] = quaternion[1:4] Q = -e123*Q Q[0] = quaternion[0] return Q
[docs]def rotor_to_quaternion(R): """ Converts a pure rotation rotor into a quaternion """ Q = (e123*R).value[0:4] Q[0] = R[0] return Q
[docs]def quaternion_to_matrix(q): """ Converts a quaternion into a rotation matrix """ qz2 = 2*q[3]**2 qy2 = 2*q[2]**2 qx2 = 2*q[1]**2 qxy = 2*q[1]*q[2] qxz = 2*q[1]*q[3] qxw = 2*q[1]*q[0] qyw = 2*q[2]*q[0] qyz = 2*q[2]*q[3] qzw = 2*q[3]*q[0] return np.array([[1-qy2-qz2, qxy-qzw, qxz+qyw], [qxy+qzw, 1-qx2-qz2, qyz-qxw], [qxz-qyw, qyz+qxw, 1-qx2-qy2]])
def rotor_to_rotation_matrix(R): """ Converts a pure rotation rotor into a rotation matrix """ q = rotor_to_quaternion(R) return quaternion_to_matrix(q)
[docs]def rotation_matrix_to_quaternion(a): """ Converts a rotation matrix into a quaternion """ trace = a[0][0] + a[1][1] + a[2][2] if trace > 0: s = 0.5 / math.sqrt(trace + 1.0) w = 0.25 / s x = (a[2][1] - a[1][2]) * s y = (a[0][2] - a[2][0]) * s z = (a[1][0] - a[0][1]) * s elif a[0][0] > a[1][1] and a[0][0] > a[2][2]: s = 2.0 * math.sqrt(1.0 + a[0][0] - a[1][1] - a[2][2]) w = (a[2][1] - a[1][2]) / s x = 0.25 * s y = (a[0][1] + a[1][0]) / s z = (a[0][2] + a[2][0]) / s elif a[1][1] > a[2][2]: s = 2.0 * math.sqrt(1.0 + a[1][1] - a[0][0] - a[2][2]) w = (a[0][2] - a[2][0]) / s x = (a[0][1] + a[1][0]) / s y = 0.25 * s z = (a[1][2] + a[2][1]) / s else: s = 2.0 * math.sqrt(1.0 + a[2][2] - a[0][0] - a[1][1]) w = (a[1][0] - a[0][1]) / s x = (a[0][2] + a[2][0]) / s y = (a[1][2] + a[2][1]) / s z = 0.25 * s return w, x, y, z
def rotation_matrix_to_rotor(M): """ Converts a rotation matrix into a rotor """ Q = rotation_matrix_to_quaternion(M) return quaternion_to_rotor(Q)
[docs]def random_unit_vector(): """ Creates a random unit vector """ return (np_to_euc_mv(np.random.randn(3))).normal()
@numba.njit def val_random_euc_mv(l_max=10): """ Creates a random vector normally distributed with length l_max """ output = np.zeros(32) np_in = l_max*np.random.randn(3) output[1] = np_in[0] output[2] = np_in[1] output[3] = np_in[2] return output
[docs]def random_euc_mv(l_max=10): """ Creates a random vector normally distributed with length l_max """ return np_to_euc_mv(l_max*np.random.randn(3))
[docs]def generate_rotation_rotor(theta, euc_vector_m, euc_vector_n): """ Generates a rotation of angle theta in the m, n plane """ euc_vector_n = euc_vector_n / abs(euc_vector_n) euc_vector_m = euc_vector_m / abs(euc_vector_m) bivector_B = (euc_vector_m ^ euc_vector_n) bivector_B = bivector_B / (math.sqrt((-bivector_B * bivector_B)[0])) rotor = math.cos(theta / 2) - bivector_B * math.sin(theta / 2) return rotor
[docs]def random_rotation_rotor(max_angle=np.pi): """ Creates a random rotation rotor """ return generate_rotation_rotor(max_angle * np.random.rand(), random_unit_vector(), random_unit_vector())
[docs]def angle_between_vectors(v1, v2): """ Returns the angle between two conformal vectors """ clipped = np.clip((v1 | v2)[0], -1.0, 1.0) return math.acos(clipped)
[docs]def np_to_euc_mv(np_in): """ Converts a 3d numpy vector to a 3d GA point """ output = np.zeros(32) output[1] = np_in[0] output[2] = np_in[1] output[3] = np_in[2] return layout.MultiVector(value=output)
[docs]def euc_mv_to_np(euc_point): """ Converts a 3d GA point to a 3d numpy vector """ return euc_point[1:4].copy()
[docs]def euc_cross_prod(euc_a, euc_b): """ Implements the cross product in GA """ return (-(euc_a^euc_b)*I3).normal()
[docs]def rotor_vector_to_vector(v1, v2): """ Creates a rotor that takes one vector into another """ if np.sum(np.abs(v1.value - v2.value)) > 0.000001: theta = angle_between_vectors(v1, v2) return generate_rotation_rotor(theta, v1, v2) else: mv = cf.MultiVector(layout) mv.value[0] = 1.0 return mv
[docs]def correlation_matrix(u_list, v_list): """ Creates a correlation matrix between vector lists """ F_output = np.zeros((3, 3)) for i in range(3): for j in range(3): for ind in range(len(u_list)): u = u_list[ind] v = v_list[ind] F_output[i, j] += v[i+1]*u[j+1] return F_output
[docs]def GA_SVD(u_list, v_list): """ Does SVD on a pair of GA vectors """ F_output = correlation_matrix(u_list, v_list) u, s, vh = np.linalg.svd(F_output, full_matrices=True) return u, s, vh
[docs]def rotation_matrix_align_vecs(u_list, v_list): """ Returns the rotation matrix that aligns the set of vectors u and v """ u, s, vh = GA_SVD(u_list, v_list) return, np.transpose(u))
[docs]def rotor_align_vecs(u_list, v_list): """ Returns the rotation rotor that aligns the set of vectors u and v """ M = rotation_matrix_align_vecs(u_list, v_list) return rotation_matrix_to_rotor(M)