Source code for

Tools for interpreting conformal blades

.. currentmodule::

.. autofunction:: classify

The return type is a :class:`Blade`:

.. autoclass:: Blade

The subclasses below are the four categories to which all blades belong, where
:math:`E` is a euclidean blade, and :math:`T_p[X]` represents a translation of
the conformal blade :math:`X` by the euclidean vector :math:`p`.

.. autoclass:: Direction

.. autoclass:: Flat

.. autoclass:: DualFlat

.. autoclass:: Round

These can be constructed directly, and will attempt to show a grade-specific

    >>> from clifford.g3c import *
    >>> Round(location=e1, direction=e1^e2, radius=1)
    Circle(location=(1^e1), direction=(1^e12), radius=1)
    >>> Round(location=e1, direction=e1^e2^e3, radius=1)
    Sphere(location=(1^e1), direction=(1^e123), radius=1)

Aliased types

In addition, aliases are created for specific grades of the above types, with
more convenient names:

.. autoclass:: Tangent

.. autoclass:: Point

.. autoclass:: PointFlat

.. autoclass:: Line

.. autoclass:: Plane

.. autoclass:: PointPair

.. autoclass:: Circle

.. autoclass:: Sphere

.. autoclass:: InfinitePoint

import math
import sys
from typing import Optional
import copyreg

from clifford._multivector import MultiVector
from clifford._conformal_layout import ConformalLayout

__all__ = [


def _only_grade(mv: MultiVector, when_zero: int = 0) -> int:
    gs = mv.grades()
    if len(gs) > 1:
        raise ValueError("MultiVector has more than one grade")
    elif not gs:
        return when_zero
        g, = gs
        return g

class _GradedTypesMeta(type):
    Metaclass for putting the grade number in the class name.

    override : bool
        Used when creating an override of a particular grade, such as
        ``class Line(Flat[3], override=True)``, which will make ``Flat[3]``
        return ``Line`` in future. Each grade can be overriden exactly once,
        and should not be outside of this file.
    def __new__(metacls, names, bases, dict, override=False):
        cls = type.__new__(metacls, names, bases, dict)
        if not cls.__instantiated:
            # for `class Flat` below
            cls.__graded_types = {}
            cls.__overriden = set()
        elif cls._grade not in cls.__graded_types:
            # for `Flat[n]`
        elif override:
            # for `class Line(Flat[3], override=True)`
            if cls._grade not in cls.__overriden:
                cls.__graded_types[cls._grade] = cls
                raise ValueError("Cannot override this grade multiple times")
        return cls

    if sys.version_info < (3, 6):
        # implied in newer versions of python
        def __init__(metacls, names, bases, dict, override=False):
            super().__init__(names, bases, dict)

    def __instantiated(cls) -> bool:
        """ true if this class is of the form `Flat[3]`, false if it is `Flat` """
        return hasattr(cls, '_grade')

    def __getitem__(cls, grade) -> '_GradedTypesMeta':
        """ Get the grade-specific type. Used to implement ``Blade[n]``. """
        if cls.__instantiated:
            raise TypeError("Cannot index multiple times")
            return cls.__graded_types[grade]
        except KeyError:
            # augment the bases with the instantiated versions of themselves
            bases = (cls,)
            for b in cls.__bases__:
                if isinstance(b, _GradedTypesMeta) and not b.__instantiated:
                    bases = (b[grade],) + bases
            subcls = cls.__graded_types[grade] = type(
                '{}[{}]'.format(cls.__name__, grade), bases, dict(_grade=grade)
            return subcls

    def _expected_grade(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> Optional[int]:
        """ Determine the expected grade from the argument values

        This is used to make ``Direction(e123)`` give ``Direction[3](e123)``,
        and to make ``Direction[1](e123)`` an error.

        Override in subclasses. The default is to not allow inference, and not
        perform grade checks, which is indicated by returning None.
        return None

    def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Overload to prevent `Flat(...)` being used """
        g = cls._expected_grade(*args, **kwargs)
        if not cls.__instantiated:
            if g is None:
                raise TypeError("Must construct as {}[n](...)".format(cls.__name__))
            return cls[g].__call__(*args, **kwargs)
        if g is not None and g != cls._grade:
            raise ValueError(
                "Grade inferred from arguments ({}) does not match class grade "
                .format(g, cls._grade)
        return super().__call__(*args, **kwargs)

    # __reduce__ doesn't work in a metaclass, we have to use copyreg instead
    def _pickle_override(cls):
        last_base = cls.__bases__[-1]
        # if the last base class is uninstantiated, we deduce it came from
        # __getitem__ above
        if cls.__instantiated and not last_base.__instantiated:
            # tell pickle to use our square bracket syntax to recover the class
            return (_GradedTypesMeta.__getitem__, (last_base, cls._grade))
            # regular pickling
            return cls.__qualname__

# make sure we have a chance to take part in pickling
copyreg.pickle(_GradedTypesMeta, _GradedTypesMeta._pickle_override)

[docs]class Blade(metaclass=_GradedTypesMeta): """ Base class for providing interpretation of blades. Note that thanks to the unual metaclass, this class and its subclasses are have grade-specific specializations, eg ``Blade[2]`` is a type for blades of grade 2. Attributes ---------- layout : ~clifford.Layout The layout to which this blade belongs """ def __init__(self, layout): self.layout = layout def _repr_skip_members(self): return {'layout'} def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): return super().__new__(cls) def __repr__(self): members = self.__dict__.copy() for name in self._repr_skip_members(): members.pop(name) return "{}({})".format(type(self).__name__, ", ".join( "{}={!r}".format(k, v) for k, v in members.items() )) def _repr_pretty_(self, p, cycle): members = self.__dict__.copy() for name in self._repr_skip_members(): members.pop(name) prefix = '{}('.format(type(self).__name__) with, prefix, ')'): is_first = True for k, v in members.items(): if not is_first: p.text(',') p.breakable() p.text("{}={!r}".format(k, v)) is_first = False def _translate(self, t, x): """ Internal helper to translate x (conformal) by t (euclidean vector) """ einf = self.layout.einf versor = 1 - t*einf/2 return versor * x * ~versor @property def mv(self) -> MultiVector: """ Convert this back into its GA representation """ raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
[docs]class Direction(Blade): r""" :math:`En_\infty` Attributes ---------- direction : ~clifford.MultiVector The euclidean direction, :math:`E` """ @classmethod def _expected_grade(cls, direction): return _only_grade(direction, when_zero=-1) + 1 def __init__(self, direction): super().__init__(direction.layout) self.direction = direction @property def mv(self): return self.direction^self.layout.einf
[docs]class Flat(Blade): r""" :math:`T_p[n_o \wedge (En_\infty)]` Attributes ---------- direction : ~clifford.MultiVector The euclidean direction, :math:`E` location : ~clifford.MultiVector The closest point on this flat to the origin, :math:`p`, as a euclidean vector. """ @classmethod def _expected_grade(cls, direction, *args, **kwargs): return _only_grade(direction, when_zero=-2) + 2 def __init__(self, direction, location): super().__init__(direction.layout) self.direction = direction self.location = location @property def mv(self): return self._translate(self.location, self.layout.eo^self.direction^self.layout.einf)
[docs]class DualFlat(Blade): """ Dual of :class:`Flat` Attributes ---------- flat : Flat The flat this is the dual of """ @classmethod def _expected_grade(cls, flat): return flat.layout.dims - type(flat)._grade def __init__(self, flat): super().__init__(flat.layout) self.flat = flat @property def mv(self): return
[docs]class Round(Blade): r""" :math:`T_p[(n_o + \frac{1}{2}\rho^2 n_\infty)E]` Attributes ---------- direction : ~clifford.MultiVector The euclidean direction, :math:`E` location : ~clifford.MultiVector The euclidean center, :math:`p` radius : float or complex The radius, :math:`\rho`, which may be imaginary """ @classmethod def _expected_grade(cls, direction, *args, **kwargs): return _only_grade(direction) + 1 def __init__(self, direction, location, radius): super().__init__(direction.layout) self.direction = direction self.location = location self.radius = radius @property def mv(self): return self._translate(self.location, (self.layout.eo + (self.radius*self.radius/2).real*self.layout.einf)^self.direction)
# specializations
[docs]class Tangent(Round): r""" A :class:`Round` of radius 0, :math:`T_p[n_o E]` """ def __init__(self, direction, location): super().__init__(direction, location, 0) def _repr_skip_members(self): return super()._repr_skip_members() | {'radius'}
[docs]class Point(Tangent[1], override=True): r""" A conformal point, :math:`A` """
[docs]class PointFlat(Flat[2], override=True): r""" A flat point, :math:`A \wedge n_\infty` """
[docs]class Line(Flat[3], override=True): r""" A line, :math:`A \wedge B \wedge n_\infty` """
[docs]class Plane(Flat[4], override=True): r""" A line, :math:`A \wedge B \wedge C \wedge n_\infty` """
[docs]class PointPair(Round[2], override=True): r""" A point pair, :math:`A \wedge B` """
[docs]class Circle(Round[3], override=True): r""" A circle, :math:`A \wedge B \wedge C` """
[docs]class Sphere(Round[4], override=True): r""" A sphere, :math:`A \wedge B \wedge C \wedge D` """
[docs]class InfinitePoint(Direction[1], override=True): r""" A scalar multiple of :math:`n_\infty` """
def _sqrt(x): """ like cmath.sqrt, but leave real numbers as float """ if x < 0: return math.sqrt(-x)*1j else: return math.sqrt(x)
[docs]def classify(x) -> Blade: """ Classify a conformal multivector into a parameterized geometric description. The multivector should be from a :class:`~clifford.ConformalLayout`, such as the one returned by :func:`clifford.conformalize`. Implemented based on the approach described in table 14.1 of *Geometric Algebra for Computer Science (Revised Edition)*. Example usage:: >>> from clifford.g3c import * >>> classify(e1) DualFlat[1](location=0, direction=-(1.0^e23)) >>> classify(einf) InfinitePoint(direction=1.0) >>> classify(up(e1)) Point(location=(1.0^e1), direction=1.0) >>> classify(up(3*e1)^up(4*e2)) PointPair(direction=-(3.0^e1) + (4.0^e2), location=(1.5^e1) + (2.0^e2), radius=2.5) >>> classify(up(e1)^up(e2)^up(e1+2*e2)) Circle(direction=-(2.0^e12), location=(1.0^e1) + (1.0^e2), radius=1.0) >>> classify(up(e1)^up(e2)^up(e1+2*e2)^einf) Plane(direction=-(2.0^e12), location=0) >>> classify(up(e1)^e2) Tangent[2](direction=(1.0^e2), location=(1.0^e1)) # how the inheritance works >>> Point.mro() [Point, Tangent[1], Round[1], Blade[1], Tangent, Round, Blade, object] The reverse of this operation is :attr:``. """ if not isinstance(x.layout, ConformalLayout): raise ValueError("vector does not belong to a conformal algebra") einf = x.layout.einf eo = x.layout.eo down = x.layout.down try: g = _only_grade(x) except ValueError: raise ValueError("Cannot classify a combination of multiple grades") y = -einf | x if y == 0: if einf ^ x == 0: direction = x | -eo return Direction[g](direction=direction) else: x_orig = x * x.layout.I # undual direction = (-einf | x_orig) | -eo flat = Flat[x.layout.dims - g](direction=direction, location=down((eo ^ x) * x.normalInv())) return DualFlat[g](flat=flat) else: if einf ^ x == 0: direction = y | -eo return Flat[g](direction=direction, location=down((eo | x) * x.normalInv())) else: direction = y^einf location = x * y.normalInv() rad2 = x * x.gradeInvol() direction = direction | -eo if rad2 == 0: return Tangent[g](direction=direction, location=down(location)) else: return Round[g](direction=direction, location=down(location), radius=_sqrt(float(rad2)/float(y*y)))