Source code for clifford

.. currentmodule:: clifford
clifford (:mod:`clifford`)

The Main Module. Provides two classes, Layout and MultiVector, and several helper functions  to implement the algebras.


.. autosummary::
    :toctree: generated/



.. autosummary::
    :toctree: generated/



from __future__ import absolute_import, division
from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
from past.builtins import cmp, range
from functools import reduce
import sys
import re

# Standard library imports.
import math
import numbers
import itertools
from warnings import warn

# Major library imports.
import numpy as np
from numpy import linalg, array,zeros
import numba

from import write_ga_file, read_ga_file

__version__ = '1.0.3'

# The blade finding regex for parsing strings of mvs
_blade_pattern =  "((^|\s)-?\s?\d+(\.\d+)?)\s|(-\s?(\d+((e(\+|-))|\.)?(\d+)?)\^e\d+(\s|$))|((^|\+)\s?(\d+((e(\+|-))|\.)?(\d+)?)\^e\d+(\s|$))"
_eps = 1e-12            # float epsilon for float comparisons
_pretty = True          # pretty-print global
_print_precision = 5    # pretty printing precision on floats

def test_numba():
    This tests numba to see if it can successfully compile a specific program
    def play_games():
        monte_carlo_cell_visit_frequency = np.zeros(100, dtype=np.int_)
        monte_carlo_cell_visit_frequency != 0


        import os
        os.environ['NUMBA_DISABLE_JIT'] = "1"
        warn('The version of numba installed suffers from ' +
             'It has therefore been disabled. To reenable numba JIT compiliation try installing numba version 0.40.1', Warning)
    TEST_NUMBA = False

def get_longest_string(string_array):
    Return the longest string in a list of strings
    return max(string_array,key=len)

def get_adjoint_function(gradeList):
    This function returns a fast jitted adjoint function
    grades = np.array(gradeList)
    signs = np.power(-1, grades*(grades-1)/2)
    def adjoint_func(value):
        return signs * value  # elementwise multiplication
    return adjoint_func

@numba.njit(parallel=True, nogil=True)
def construct_tables(gradeList, linear_map_to_bitmap,
                 bitmap_to_linear_map, signature):

    array_length = int(len(gradeList) * len(gradeList))
    k_list = np.zeros(array_length, dtype=np.uint64)
    l_list = np.zeros(array_length, dtype=np.uint64)
    imt_prod_mask = np.zeros(array_length, dtype=np.int64)
    imt_prod_mask[:] = -1

    omt_prod_mask = np.zeros(array_length, dtype=np.int64)
    omt_prod_mask[:] = -1

    lcmt_prod_mask = np.zeros(array_length, dtype=np.int64)
    lcmt_prod_mask[:] = -1

    m_list = np.zeros(array_length, dtype=np.uint64)
    mult_table_vals = np.zeros(array_length, dtype=np.float64)

    for i, grade_list_i in enumerate(gradeList):
        blade_bitmap_i = linear_map_to_bitmap[i]

        for j, grade_list_j in enumerate(gradeList):
            blade_bitmap_j = linear_map_to_bitmap[j]
            v, mul = gmt_element(blade_bitmap_i, blade_bitmap_j, signature, bitmap_to_linear_map)

            list_ind = i * len(gradeList) + j
            k_list[list_ind] = i
            l_list[list_ind] = v
            m_list[list_ind] = j

            mult_table_vals[list_ind] = mul
            grade_list_idx = gradeList[v]

            if imt_check(grade_list_idx, grade_list_i, grade_list_j):
                # A_r . B_s = <A_r B_s>_|r-s|
                # if r,s != 0
                imt_prod_mask[list_ind] = list_ind

            if omt_check(grade_list_idx, grade_list_i, grade_list_j):
                # A_r ^ B_s = <A_r B_s>_|r+s|
                omt_prod_mask[list_ind] = list_ind

            if lcmt_check(grade_list_idx, grade_list_i, grade_list_j):
                # A_r _| B_s = <A_r B_s>_(s-r) if s-r >= 0
                lcmt_prod_mask[list_ind] = list_ind
    # Now filter out the -1s
    imt_prod_mask = imt_prod_mask[imt_prod_mask != -1]
    omt_prod_mask = omt_prod_mask[omt_prod_mask != -1]
    lcmt_prod_mask = lcmt_prod_mask[lcmt_prod_mask != -1]
    return k_list, l_list, m_list, mult_table_vals, imt_prod_mask, omt_prod_mask, lcmt_prod_mask

def get_mult_function(k_list, l_list, m_list, mult_table_vals, n_dims, gradeList, product_mask=None,
                      grades_a=None, grades_b=None, filter_mask=None):
    Returns a function that implements the mult_table on two input multivectors
    if product_mask is None:
        k_list_copy = k_list
        l_list_copy = l_list
        m_list_copy = m_list
        mult_table_vals_copy = mult_table_vals
        # We can pass the sparse filter mask directly
        k_list_copy = np.zeros(product_mask.shape[0],dtype=np.int64)
        l_list_copy = np.zeros(product_mask.shape[0],dtype=np.int64)
        m_list_copy = np.zeros(product_mask.shape[0],dtype=np.int64)
        mult_table_vals_copy = np.zeros(product_mask.shape[0])
        for i in range(product_mask.shape[0]):
            k_list_copy[i] = k_list[product_mask[i]]
            l_list_copy[i] = l_list[product_mask[i]]
            m_list_copy[i] = m_list[product_mask[i]]
            mult_table_vals_copy[i] = mult_table_vals[product_mask[i]]

    if filter_mask is not None:
        # We can pass the sparse filter mask directly
        k_list_copy = k_list_copy[filter_mask]
        l_list_copy = l_list_copy[filter_mask]
        m_list_copy = m_list_copy[filter_mask]
        mult_table_vals_copy = mult_table_vals_copy[filter_mask]

        def mv_mult(value, other_value):
            output = np.zeros(n_dims)
            for ind, k in enumerate(k_list_copy):
                m = m_list_copy[ind]
                l = l_list_copy[ind]
                output[l] += value[k] * mult_table_vals_copy[ind] * other_value[m]
            return output

        return mv_mult

    elif ((grades_a is not None) and (grades_b is not None)):
        # We can also specify sparseness by grade
        filter_mask = np.zeros(len(k_list_copy), dtype=bool)
        for i in range(len(filter_mask)):
            if gradeList[k_list_copy[i]] in grades_a:
                if gradeList[m_list_copy[i]] in grades_b:
                    filter_mask[i] = 1

        k_list_copy = k_list_copy[filter_mask]
        l_list_copy = l_list_copy[filter_mask]
        m_list_copy = m_list_copy[filter_mask]
        mult_table_vals_copy = mult_table_vals_copy[filter_mask]

        def mv_mult(value, other_value):
            output = np.zeros(n_dims)
            for ind, k in enumerate(k_list_copy):
                m = m_list_copy[ind]
                l = l_list_copy[ind]
                output[l] += value[k] * mult_table_vals_copy[ind] * other_value[m]
            return output

        return mv_mult

    # This case we specify no sparseness in advance, the algorithm checks for zeros
    def mv_mult(value, other_value):
        output = np.zeros(n_dims)
        for ind, k in enumerate(k_list_copy):
            v_val = value[k]
            if v_val != 0.0:
                m = m_list_copy[ind]
                ov_val = other_value[m]
                if ov_val != 0.0:
                    l = l_list_copy[ind]
                    output[l] += v_val * mult_table_vals_copy[ind] * ov_val
        return output

    return mv_mult

def gmt_element(bitmap_a, bitmap_b, sig_array, bitmap_to_linear_mapping):
    Element of the geometric multiplication table given blades a, b.
    The implementation used here is described in chapter 19 of
    Leo Dorst's book, Geometric Algebra For Computer Science
    output_sign = canonical_reordering_sign(bitmap_a, bitmap_b, sig_array)
    output_bitmap = bitmap_a^bitmap_b
    idx = bitmap_to_linear_mapping[output_bitmap]
    return idx, output_sign

def imt_check(grade_list_idx, grade_list_i, grade_list_j):
    A check used in imt table generation
    return ((grade_list_idx == abs(grade_list_i - grade_list_j)) and (grade_list_i != 0) and (grade_list_j != 0))

def omt_check(grade_list_idx, grade_list_i, grade_list_j):
    A check used in omt table generation
    return grade_list_idx == (grade_list_i + grade_list_j)

def lcmt_check(grade_list_idx, grade_list_i, grade_list_j):
    A check used in lcmt table generation
    return grade_list_idx == (grade_list_j - grade_list_i)

def grade_obj_func(objin_val, gradeList, threshold):
    """ returns the modal grade of a multivector """
    modal_value_count = np.zeros(objin_val.shape)
    n = 0
    for g in gradeList:
        if np.abs(objin_val[n]) > threshold:
            modal_value_count[g] += 1
        n += 1
    return np.argmax(modal_value_count)

def general_exp(x, max_order=15):
    This implements the series expansion of e**mv where mv is a multivector
    The parameter order is the maximum order of the taylor series to use

    result = 1.0
    if (max_order == 0):
        return result

    # scale by power of 2 so that its norm is < 1
    max_val = int(np.max(np.abs(x.value)))
    if max_val > 1:
        max_val <<= 1
    while max_val:
        max_val >>= 1
        scale <<= 1

    scaled = x * (1.0 / scale)

    # taylor approximation
    tmp = 1.0 + 0.0*x
    for i in range(1, max_order):
        if np.any(np.abs(tmp.value) > _eps):
            tmp = tmp*scaled * (1.0 / i)
            result += tmp

    # undo scaling
    while scale > 1:
        result *= result
        scale >>= 1
    return result

[docs]def grade_obj(objin, threshold=0.0000001): ''' Returns the modal grade of a multivector ''' return grade_obj_func(objin.value, objin.layout.gradeList, threshold)
def grades_present(objin, threshold=0.0000001): ''' Returns all the grades of a multivector with coefficient magnitude bigger than threshold ''' grades = [] for i in range(objin.layout.gaDims): if abs(objin.value[i]) > threshold and \ objin.layout.gradeList[i] not in grades: grades.append(objin.layout.gradeList[i]) return grades def generate_blade_tup_map(bladeTupList): """ Generates a mapping from blade tuple to linear index into multivector """ blade_map = {} for ind,blade in enumerate(bladeTupList): blade_map[blade] = ind return blade_map def generate_bitmap_to_linear_index_map(bladeTupList, firstIdx): """ Generates a mapping from the bitmap representation to the linear index """ bitmap_map = np.zeros(len(bladeTupList), dtype=int) for ind, blade in enumerate(bladeTupList): bitmap_map[compute_bitmap_representation(blade, firstIdx)] = ind return bitmap_map @numba.njit def count_set_bits(bitmap): """ Counts the number of bits set to 1 in bitmap """ bmp = bitmap count = 0 n = 1 while bmp > 0: if bmp & 1: count += 1 bmp = bmp >> 1 n = n + 1 return count @numba.njit def canonical_reordering_sign_euclidean(bitmap_a, bitmap_b): """ Computes the sign for the product of bitmap_a and bitmap_b assuming a euclidean metric """ a = bitmap_a >> 1 sum_value = 0 while a != 0: sum_value = sum_value + count_set_bits(a & bitmap_b) a = a >> 1 if (sum_value & 1) == 0: return 1 else: return -1 @numba.njit def canonical_reordering_sign(bitmap_a, bitmap_b, metric): """ Computes the sign for the product of bitmap_a and bitmap_b given the supplied metric """ bitmap = bitmap_a & bitmap_b output_sign = canonical_reordering_sign_euclidean(bitmap_a, bitmap_b) i = 0 while (bitmap != 0): if ((bitmap & 1) != 0): output_sign *= metric[i] i = i + 1 bitmap = bitmap >> 1 return output_sign def compute_reordering_sign_and_canonical_form(blade, metric, firstIdx): """ Takes a tuple blade representation and converts it to a canonical tuple blade representation """ blade_out = blade[0] s = 1 for b in blade[1:]: s = s*canonical_reordering_sign(blade_out, b, metric) return s, compute_blade_representation(compute_bitmap_representation(blade, firstIdx), firstIdx) def compute_bitmap_representation(blade, firstIdx): """ Takes a tuple blade representation and converts it to the bitmap representation """ if len(blade) > 0: bitmap = 1 << (blade[0]-firstIdx) if len(blade) > 1: for b in blade[1:]: bitmap = bitmap ^ (1 << (b-firstIdx)) return bitmap else: return 0 def compute_blade_representation(bitmap, firstIdx): """ Takes a bitmap representation and converts it to the tuple blade representation """ bmp = bitmap blade = [] n = firstIdx while bmp > 0: if (bmp & 1): blade.append(n) bmp = bmp >> 1 n = n + 1 return tuple(blade) @numba.njit def val_get_left_gmt_matrix(x, k_list, l_list, m_list, mult_table_vals, ndims): """ This produces the matrix X that performs left multiplication with x eg. X@b == (x*b).value """ intermed = np.zeros((ndims,ndims)) test_ind = 0 for k in k_list: j = l_list[test_ind] i = m_list[test_ind] intermed[j, i] += mult_table_vals[test_ind] * x[k] test_ind = test_ind + 1 return intermed @numba.njit def val_get_right_gmt_matrix(x, k_list, l_list, m_list, mult_table_vals, ndims): """ This produces the matrix X that performs right multiplication with x eg. X@b == (b*x).value """ intermed = np.zeros((ndims,ndims)) test_ind = 0 for m in m_list: j = l_list[test_ind] i = k_list[test_ind] intermed[j, i] += mult_table_vals[test_ind] * x[m] test_ind = test_ind + 1 return intermed class NoMorePermutations(Exception): """ No more permutations can be generated. """
[docs]class Layout(object): """ Layout stores information regarding the geometric algebra itself and the internal representation of multivectors. It is constructed like this: Layout(signature, bladeTupList, firstIdx=0, names=None) The arguments to be passed are interpreted as follows: signature -- the signature of the vector space. This should be a list of positive and negative numbers where the sign determines the sign of the inner product of the corresponding vector with itself. The values are irrelevant except for sign. This list also determines the dimensionality of the vectors. Signatures with zeroes are not permitted at this time. Examples: signature = [+1, -1, -1, -1] # Hestenes', et al. Space-Time Algebra signature = [+1, +1, +1] # 3-D Euclidean signature bladeTupList -- list of tuples corresponding to the blades in the whole algebra. This list determines the order of coefficients in the internal representation of multivectors. The entry for the scalar must be an empty tuple, and the entries for grade-1 vectors must be singleton tuples. Remember, the length of the list will be 2**dims. Example: bladeTupList = [(), (0,), (1,), (0,1)] # 2-D firstIdx -- the index of the first vector. That is, some systems number the base vectors starting with 0, some with 1. Choose by passing the correct number as firstIdx. 0 is the default. names -- list of names of each blade. When pretty-printing multivectors, use these symbols for the blades. names should be in the same order as bladeTupList. You may use an empty string for scalars. By default, the name for each non-scalar blade is 'e' plus the indices of the blade as given in bladeTupList. Example: names = ['', 's0', 's1', 'i'] # 2-D Layout's Members: dims -- dimensionality of vectors (== len(signature)) sig -- normalized signature (i.e. all values are +1 or -1) firstIdx -- starting point for vector indices bladeTupList -- list of blades gradeList -- corresponding list of the grades of each blade gaDims -- 2**dims names -- pretty-printing symbols for the blades even -- dictionary of even permutations of blades to the canonical blades odd -- dictionary of odd permutations of blades to the canonical blades gmt -- multiplication table for geometric product [1] imt -- multiplication table for inner product [1] omt -- multiplication table for outer product [1] lcmt -- multiplication table for the left-contraction [1] [1] The multiplication tables are NumPy arrays of rank 3 with indices like the tensor g_ijk discussed above. """
[docs] def __init__(self, sig, bladeTupList, firstIdx=0, names=None): self.dims = len(sig) self.sig = np.divide(sig, np.absolute(sig)).astype(int) self.firstIdx = firstIdx self.bladeTupList = list(map(tuple, bladeTupList)) self._checkList() self.gaDims = len(self.bladeTupList) self.gradeList = list(map(len, self.bladeTupList)) self._metric = None # Python 2 and 3 compatibility fix names_is_string = False names_is_unicode = False if sys.version_info >= (3, 0): names_is_string = isinstance(names, str) else: names_is_unicode = isinstance(names, unicode) if names is None or names_is_string or names_is_unicode: if names_is_string or names_is_unicode: e = str(names) else: e = 'e' self.names = [] for i in range(self.gaDims): if self.gradeList[i] >= 1: self.names.append(e + ''.join( map(str, self.bladeTupList[i]))) else: self.names.append('') elif len(names) == self.gaDims: self.names = names else: raise ValueError( "names list of length %i needs to be of length %i" % (len(names), self.gaDims)) self._genTables() self.adjoint_func = get_adjoint_function(self.gradeList)
@property def basis_names(self): return np.array(list(sorted(self.basis_vectors.keys())), dtype=bytes)
[docs] def dict_to_multivector(self, dict_in): """ Takes a dictionary of coefficient values and converts it into a MultiVector object """ constructed_values = np.zeros(self.gaDims) for k in list(dict_in.keys()): constructed_values[int(k)] = dict_in[k] return MultiVector(self, constructed_values)
def __repr__(self): s = ("Layout(%r, %r, firstIdx=%r, names=%r)" % ( list(self.sig), self.bladeTupList, self.firstIdx, self.names)) return s def __eq__(self,other): if other is not self: return np.array_equal(self.sig,other.sig) else: return True def __ne__(self,other): if other is self: return False else: return not np.array_equal(self.sig,other.sig)
[docs] def parse_multivector(self,mv_string): """ Parses a multivector string into a MultiVector object """ # Get the names of the canonical blades blade_name_index_map = {name:index for index,name in enumerate(self.names)} # Clean up the input string a bit cleaned_string = re.sub('[()]','',mv_string) # Apply the regex search_result = re.findall(_blade_pattern,cleaned_string) # Create a multivector mv_out = MultiVector(self) for res in search_result: # Clean up the search result cleaned_match = get_longest_string(res) # Split on the '^' stuff = cleaned_match.split('^') if (len(stuff) == 2): # Extract the value of the blade and the index of the blade blade_val = float("".join(stuff[0].split())) blade_index = blade_name_index_map[stuff[1].strip()] mv_out[blade_index] = blade_val else: if(len(stuff) == 1): # Extract the value of the scalar blade_val = float("".join(stuff[0].split())) blade_index = 0; mv_out[blade_index] = blade_val return mv_out
def _checkList(self): "Ensure validity of arguments." # check for uniqueness for blade in self.bladeTupList: if self.bladeTupList.count(blade) != 1: raise ValueError("blades not unique") # check for right dimensionality if len(self.bladeTupList) != 2**self.dims: raise ValueError("incorrect number of blades") # check for valid ranges of indices valid = list(range(self.firstIdx, self.firstIdx + self.dims)) try: for blade in self.bladeTupList: for idx in blade: if (idx not in valid) or (list(blade).count(idx) != 1): raise ValueError() except (ValueError, TypeError): raise ValueError("invalid bladeTupList; must be a list of tuples") def _genTables(self): "Generate the multiplication tables." self.bladeTupMap = generate_blade_tup_map(self.bladeTupList) self.bitmap_to_linear_map = generate_bitmap_to_linear_index_map(self.bladeTupList, self.firstIdx) self.linear_map_to_bitmap = np.zeros(len(self.bladeTupMap), dtype=int) for bitmap, linear in enumerate(self.bitmap_to_linear_map): self.linear_map_to_bitmap[linear] = int(bitmap) k_list, l_list, m_list, mult_table_vals, imt_prod_mask, omt_prod_mask, lcmt_prod_mask = construct_tables(np.array(self.gradeList), self.linear_map_to_bitmap, self.bitmap_to_linear_map, np.array(self.sig)) # This generates the functions that will perform the various products self.gmt_func = get_mult_function(k_list,l_list,m_list,mult_table_vals,self.gaDims,self.gradeList) self.imt_func = get_mult_function(k_list,l_list,m_list,mult_table_vals,self.gaDims,self.gradeList,product_mask=imt_prod_mask) self.omt_func = get_mult_function(k_list,l_list,m_list,mult_table_vals,self.gaDims,self.gradeList,product_mask=omt_prod_mask) self.lcmt_func = get_mult_function(k_list,l_list,m_list,mult_table_vals,self.gaDims,self.gradeList,product_mask=lcmt_prod_mask) self.k_list = k_list self.l_list = l_list self.m_list = m_list self.mult_table_vals = mult_table_vals self.imt_prod_mask = imt_prod_mask self.omt_prod_mask = omt_prod_mask self.lcmt_prod_mask = lcmt_prod_mask
[docs] def gmt_func_generator(self, grades_a=None, grades_b=None, filter_mask=None): return get_mult_function(self.k_list, self.l_list, self.m_list, self.mult_table_vals, self.gaDims, self.gradeList, grades_a = grades_a, grades_b = grades_b, filter_mask = filter_mask)
[docs] def imt_func_generator(self, grades_a=None, grades_b=None, filter_mask=None): return get_mult_function(self.k_list, self.l_list, self.m_list, self.mult_table_vals, self.gaDims, self.gradeList, grades_a = grades_a, grades_b = grades_b, filter_mask = filter_mask, product_mask=self.imt_prod_mask)
[docs] def omt_func_generator(self, grades_a=None, grades_b=None, filter_mask=None): return get_mult_function(self.k_list, self.l_list, self.m_list, self.mult_table_vals, self.gaDims, self.gradeList, grades_a = grades_a, grades_b = grades_b, filter_mask = filter_mask, product_mask=self.omt_prod_mask)
[docs] def lcmt_func_generator(self, grades_a=None, grades_b=None, filter_mask=None): return get_mult_function(self.k_list, self.l_list, self.m_list, self.mult_table_vals, self.gaDims, self.gradeList, grades_a = grades_a, grades_b = grades_b, filter_mask = filter_mask, product_mask=self.lcmt_prod_mask)
[docs] def get_grade_projection_matrix(self, grade): """ Returns the matrix M_g that performs grade projection via left multiplication eg. M_g@A.value = A(g).value """ diag_mask = 1.0 * (np.array(self.gradeList) == grade) return np.diag(diag_mask)
[docs] def get_left_gmt_matrix(self, x): """ This produces the matrix X that performs left multiplication with x eg. X@b == (x*b).value """ return val_get_left_gmt_matrix(x.value, self.k_list, self.l_list, self.m_list, self.mult_table_vals, self.gaDims)
[docs] def MultiVector(self,*args,**kw): ''' create a multivector in this layout convenience func to Multivector(layout) ''' return MultiVector(layout=self, *args, **kw)
[docs] def load_ga_file(self, filename): """ Takes a ga file Checks it is the same signature as this layout Loads the data into an MVArray """ data_array, metric, basis_names, support = read_ga_file(filename) if not np.allclose(np.diagonal(metric), self.sig): raise ValueError('The signature of the ga file does not match this layout') return MVArray.from_value_array(self, data_array)
@property def metric(self): if self._metric is None: self._metric = np.zeros((len(self.basis_vectors), len(self.basis_vectors))) for i, v in enumerate(self.basis_vectors_lst): for j, v2 in enumerate(self.basis_vectors_lst): self._metric[i, j] = (v | v2)[0] return self._metric.copy() else: return self._metric.copy() @property def scalar(self): ''' the scalar of value 1, for this GA (a MultiVector object) useful for forcing a MultiVector type ''' return self.MultiVector() +1 @property def pseudoScalar(self): ''' the psuedoScalar ''' return self.blades_list[-1] I = pseudoScalar
[docs] def randomMV(self, n=1, **kw): ''' Convenience method to create a random multivector. see `clifford.randomMV` for details ''' kw.update(dict(n=n)) return randomMV(layout=self, **kw)
[docs] def randomV(self, n=1, **kw): ''' generate n random 1-vector s ''' kw.update(dict(n=n, grades=[1])) return randomMV(layout=self, **kw)
[docs] def randomRotor(self): ''' generate a random Rotor. this is created by muliplying an N unit vectors, where N is the dimension of the algebra if its even; else its one less. ''' n = self.dims if self.dims % 2 == 0 else self.dims - 1 R = reduce(gp, self.randomV(n, normed=True)) return R
@property def basis_vectors(self): return basis_vectors(self) @property def basis_vectors_lst(self): d = self.basis_vectors return [d[k] for k in sorted(d.keys())]
[docs] def blades_of_grade(self,grade): ''' return all blades of a given grade, Parameters ------------ grade: int the desired grade Returns -------- blades : list of MultiVectors ''' if grade ==0: return self.scalar return [k for k in self.blades_list[1:] if k.grades()==[grade]]
@property def blades_list(self): ''' Ordered list of blades in this layout (with scalar as [0]) ''' blades = self.blades names = self.names N = self.gaDims return [1.0] + [blades[names[k]] for k in range(1, N)] @property def blades(self): return self.bases()
[docs] def bases(self, *args, **kw): ''' Returns a dictionary mapping basis element names to their MultiVector instances, optionally for specific grades if you are lazy, you might do this to populate your namespace with the variables of a given layout. >>> locals().update(layout.bases()) See Also --------- bases ''' return bases(layout=self, *args, **kw)
[docs]class MultiVector(object): """An element of the algebra Parameters ------------- layout: instance of `clifford.Layout` the layout of the algebra value : sequence of length layout.gaDims the coefficients of the base blades Notes ------ The following operators are overloaded as follows: * * : geometric product * ^ : outer product * | : inner product * ~ : reversion * ||: abs value, this is sqrt(abs(~M*M)) sequence method * M(N) : grade or subspace projection * M[N] : blade projection """
[docs] def __init__(self, layout, value=None, string=None): """Constructor. MultiVector(layout, value=None) --> MultiVector """ self.layout = layout if value is None: if string is None: self.value = np.zeros((self.layout.gaDims,), dtype=float) else: self.value = layout.parse_multivector(string).value else: self.value = np.array(value) if self.value.shape != (self.layout.gaDims,): raise ValueError( "value must be a sequence of length %s" % self.layout.gaDims)
def __array_wrap__(self, out_arr, context=None): ''' This is a work-around needed to prevent numpy arrays from operating on MultiVectors using their operators. This happens because Multivectors act enough like an array, that duck typing thinks they are an array. ''' uf, objs, out_index = context if uf.__name__ =='multiply': return objs[1]*objs[0] if uf.__name__ == 'divide': return objs[1].inv()*objs[0] elif uf.__name__ == 'add': return objs[1] + objs[0] elif uf.__name__ == 'subtract': return -objs[1] + objs[0] elif uf.__name__ == 'exp': return math.e**(objs[0]) else: raise ValueError('i dont know how to %s yet' % uf.__name__) def _checkOther(self, other, coerce=1): """Ensure that the other argument has the same Layout or coerce value if necessary/requested. _checkOther(other, coerce=1) --> newOther, isMultiVector """ if isinstance(other, numbers.Number): if coerce: # numeric scalar newOther = self._newMV() newOther[()] = other return newOther, True else: return other, False elif ( isinstance(other, self.__class__) and other.layout != self.layout): raise ValueError( "cannot operate on MultiVectors with different Layouts") return other, True def _newMV(self, newValue=None): """Returns a new MultiVector (or derived class instance). _newMV(self, newValue=None) """ return self.__class__(self.layout, newValue) # numeric special methods # binary def __mul__(self, other): """Geometric product M * N --> MN __and__(other) --> MultiVector """ other, mv = self._checkOther(other, coerce=0) if mv: newValue = self.layout.gmt_func(self.value,other.value) else: newValue = other * self.value return self._newMV(newValue) def __rmul__(self, other): """Right-hand geometric product N * M --> NM __rand__(other) --> MultiVector """ other, mv = self._checkOther(other, coerce=0) if mv: newValue = self.layout.gmt_func(other.value,self.value) else: newValue = other*self.value return self._newMV(newValue) def __xor__(self, other): """Outer product M ^ N __xor__(other) --> MultiVector """ other, mv = self._checkOther(other, coerce=0) if mv: newValue = self.layout.omt_func(self.value,other.value) else: newValue = other*self.value return self._newMV(newValue) def __rxor__(self, other): """Right-hand outer product N ^ M __rxor__(other) --> MultiVector """ other, mv = self._checkOther(other, coerce=0) if mv: newValue = self.layout.omt_func(other.value,self.value) else: newValue = other * self.value return self._newMV(newValue) def __or__(self, other): """Inner product M | N __mul__(other) --> MultiVector """ other, mv = self._checkOther(other) if mv: newValue = self.layout.imt_func(self.value,other.value) else: return self._newMV() # l * M = M * l = 0 for scalar l return self._newMV(newValue) __ror__ = __or__ def __add__(self, other): """Addition M + N __add__(other) --> MultiVector """ other, mv = self._checkOther(other) newValue = self.value + other.value return self._newMV(newValue) __radd__ = __add__ def __sub__(self, other): """Subtraction M - N __sub__(other) --> MultiVector """ other, mv = self._checkOther(other) newValue = self.value - other.value return self._newMV(newValue) def __rsub__(self, other): """Right-hand subtraction N - M __rsub__(other) --> MultiVector """ other, mv = self._checkOther(other) newValue = other.value - self.value return self._newMV(newValue) def __truediv__(self, other): """Division -1 M / N --> M * N __div__(other) --> MultiVector """ other, mv = self._checkOther(other, coerce=0) if mv: return self * other.inv() else: newValue = self.value / other return self._newMV(newValue) def __rtruediv__(self, other): """Right-hand division -1 N / M --> N * M __rdiv__(other) --> MultiVector """ other, mv = self._checkOther(other) return other * self.inv() if sys.version_info[0] < 3: __div__ = __truediv__ __rdiv__ = __rtruediv__ def __pow__(self, other): """Exponentiation of a multivector by an integer n M ** n --> M __pow__(other) --> MultiVector """ if not isinstance(other, (int, float)): raise ValueError("exponent must be a Python int or float") if abs(round(other) - other) > _eps: raise ValueError("exponent must have no fractional part") other = int(round(other)) if other == 0: return 1 newMV = self._newMV(np.array(self.value)) # copy for i in range(1, other): newMV = newMV * self return newMV def __rpow__(self, other): """Exponentiation of a real by a multivector M r**M --> r __rpow__(other) --> MultiVector """ # Let math.log() check that other is a Python number, not something # else. # pow(x, y) == exp(y * log(x)) newMV = general_exp(math.log(other) * self) return newMV def __lshift__(self, other): """ The << operator is the left contraction """ return # unary def __neg__(self): """Negation -M __neg__() --> MultiVector """ newValue = -self.value return self._newMV(newValue) def __pos__(self): """Positive (just a copy) +M __pos__(self) --> MultiVector """ newValue = self.value + 0 # copy return self._newMV(newValue)
[docs] def mag2(self): """Magnitude (modulus) squared 2 |M| mag2() --> PyFloat | PyInt Note in mixed signature spaces this may be negative """ mv_val = self.layout.gmt_func(self.layout.adjoint_func(self.value),self.value) return MultiVector(self.layout, mv_val)[()]
def __abs__(self): """Magnitude (modulus) abs(M) --> |M| __abs__() --> PyFloat This is sqrt(abs(~M*M)). The abs inside the sqrt is need for spaces of mixed signature """ return np.sqrt(abs(self.mag2()))
[docs] def adjoint(self): """Adjoint / reversion _ ~M --> M (any one of several conflicting notations) ~(N * M) --> ~M * ~N adjoint() --> MultiVector """ # The multivector created by reversing all multiplications return self._newMV(self.layout.adjoint_func(self.value))
__invert__ = adjoint # builtin def __int__(self): """Coerce to an integer iff scalar. int(M) __int__() --> PyInt """ return int(self.__float__()) if sys.version_info[0] < 3: def __long__(self): """Coerce to a long iff scalar. long(M) __long__() --> PyLong """ return long(self.__float__()) def __float__(self): """"Coerce to a float iff scalar. float(M) __float__() --> PyFloat """ if self.isScalar(): return float(self[()]) else: raise ValueError("non-scalar coefficients are non-zero") # sequence special methods def __len__(self): """Returns length of value array. len(M) __len__() --> PyInt """ return self.layout.gaDims def __getitem__(self, key): """If key is a blade tuple (e.g. (0,1) or (1,3)), or a blade, (e.g. e12), then return the (real) value of that blade's coefficient. Otherwise, treat key as an index into the list of coefficients. M[blade] --> PyFloat | PyInt M[index] --> PyFloat | PyInt __getitem__(key) --> PyFloat | PyInt """ if isinstance(key, MultiVector): return self.value[int(np.where(key.value)[0][0])] elif key in self.layout.bladeTupMap.keys(): return self.value[self.layout.bladeTupMap[key]] elif isinstance(key, tuple): sign, blade = compute_reordering_sign_and_canonical_form(key, np.array(self.layout.sig), self.layout.firstIdx) return sign*self.value[self.layout.bladeTupMap[blade]] return self.value[key] def __setitem__(self, key, value): """If key is a blade tuple (e.g. (0,1) or (1,3)), then set the (real) value of that blade's coeficient. Otherwise treat key as an index into the list of coefficients. M[blade] = PyFloat | PyInt M[index] = PyFloat | PyInt __setitem__(key, value) """ if key in self.layout.bladeTupMap.keys(): self.value[self.layout.bladeTupMap[key]] = value elif isinstance(key, tuple): sign, blade = compute_reordering_sign_and_canonical_form(key, np.array(self.layout.sig), self.layout.firstIdx) self.value[self.layout.bladeTupMap[blade]] = sign*value else: self.value[key] = value def __delitem__(self, key): """Set the selected coefficient to 0. del M[blade] del M[index] __delitem__(key) """ if key in self.layout.bladeTupMap.keys(): self.value[self.layout.bladeTupMap[key]] = 0 elif isinstance(key, tuple): sign, blade = compute_reordering_sign_and_canonical_form(key, np.array(self.layout.sig), self.layout.firstIdx) self.value[self.layout.bladeTupMap[blade]] = 0 else: self.value[key] = 0 def __getslice__(self, i, j): """Return a copy with only the slice non-zero. M[i:j] __getslice__(i, j) --> MultiVector """ newMV = self._newMV() newMV.value[i:j] = self.value[i:j] return newMV def __setslice__(self, i, j, sequence): """Paste a sequence into coefficients array. M[i:j] = sequence __setslice__(i, j, sequence) """ self.value[i:j] = sequence def __delslice__(self, i, j): """Set slice to zeros. del M[i:j] __delslice__(i, j) """ self.value[i:j] = 0 # grade projection def __call__(self, other,*others): """Return a new multi-vector projected onto a grade OR a MV M(grade[s]) --> <M> grade OR M(other) --> other.project(M) __call__(grade) --> MultiVector Examples -------- >>>M(0) >>>M(0,2) """ if isinstance(other, MultiVector): return other.project(self) else: # we are making a grade projection grade = other if len(others) !=0: return sum([self.__call__(k) for k in (other,)+others]) if grade not in self.layout.gradeList: raise ValueError("algebra does not have grade %s" % grade) if not isinstance(grade, int): raise ValueError("grade must be an integer") mask = np.equal(grade, self.layout.gradeList) newValue = np.multiply(mask, self.value) return self._newMV(newValue) # fundamental special methods def __str__(self): """Return pretty-printed representation. str(M) __str__() --> PyString """ s = '' p = _print_precision for i in range(self.layout.gaDims): # if we have nothing yet, don't use + and - as operators but # use - as an unary prefix if necessary if s: seps = (' + ', ' - ') else: seps = ('', '-') if self.layout.gradeList[i] == 0: # scalar if abs(self.value[i]) >= _eps: if self.value[i] > 0: s = '%s%s%s' % (s, seps[0], round(self.value[i], p)) else: s = '%s%s%s' % (s, seps[1], -round(self.value[i], p)) else: if abs(self.value[i]) >= _eps: # not a scalar if self.value[i] > 0: s = '%s%s(%s^%s)' % ( s, seps[0], round(self.value[i], p), self.layout.names[i]) else: s = '%s%s(%s^%s)' % ( s, seps[1], -round(self.value[i], p), self.layout.names[i]) if s: # non-zero return s else: # return scalar 0 return '0' def __repr__(self): """Return eval-able representation if global _pretty is false. Otherwise, return str(self). repr(M) __repr__() --> PyString """ if _pretty: return self.__str__() s = "MultiVector(%s, value=%s)" % ( repr(self.layout), list(self.value)) return s def __bool__(self): """Instance is nonzero iff at least one of the coefficients is nonzero. __nonzero() --> Boolean """ nonzeroes = np.absolute(self.value) > _eps if nonzeroes.any(): return True else: return False if sys.version_info[0] < 3: __nonzero__ = __bool__ if sys.version_info[0] < 3: def __cmp__(self, other): """Compares two multivectors. This is mostly defined for equality testing (within epsilon). In the case that the two multivectors have different Layouts, we will raise an error. In the case that they are not equal, we will compare the tuple represenations of the coefficients lists just so as to return something valid. Therefore, inequalities are well-nigh meaningless (since they are meaningless for multivectors while equality is meaningful). TODO: rich comparisons. M == N __cmp__(other) --> -1|0|1 """ other, mv = self._checkOther(other) print('cmp1', self.value) print('cmp2', other.value) if (np.absolute(self.value - other.value) < _eps).all(): # equal within epsilon return 0 else: return cmp(tuple(self.value), tuple(other.value)) else: def __eq__(self, other): other, mv = self._checkOther(other) if (np.absolute(self.value - other.value) < _eps).all(): # equal within epsilon return True else: return False def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __lt__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError def __le__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError def __gt__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError def __ge__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def clean(self, eps=None): """Sets coefficients whose absolute value is < eps to exactly 0. eps defaults to the current value of the global _eps. clean(eps=None) """ if eps is None: eps = _eps mask = np.absolute(self.value) > eps # note element-wise multiplication self.value = mask * self.value return self
[docs] def round(self, eps=None): """Rounds all coefficients according to Python's rounding rules. eps defaults to the current value of the global _eps. round(eps=None) """ if eps is None: eps = _eps self.value = np.around(self.value, eps) return self
# Geometric Algebraic functions
[docs] def lc(self, other): """Returns the left-contraction of two multivectors. M _| N lc(other) --> MultiVector """ other, mv = self._checkOther(other, coerce=1) newValue = self.layout.lcmt_func(self.value,other.value) return self._newMV(newValue)
@property def pseudoScalar(self): "Returns a MultiVector that is the pseudoscalar of this space." return self.layout.pseudoScalar I = pseudoScalar
[docs] def invPS(self): "Returns the inverse of the pseudoscalar of the algebra." ps = self.pseudoScalar return ps.inv()
[docs] def isScalar(self): """Returns true iff self is a scalar. isScalar() --> Boolean """ indices = list(range(self.layout.gaDims)) indices.remove(self.layout.gradeList.index(0)) for i in indices: if abs(self.value[i]) < _eps: continue else: return False return True
[docs] def isBlade(self): """Returns true if multivector is a blade. From Leo Dorsts GA for computer science section 21.5 isBlade() --> Boolean """ grade = None for i in range(self.layout.gaDims): if abs(self.value[i]) > _eps: if grade is None: grade = self.layout.gradeList[i] elif self.layout.gradeList[i] != grade: return 0 Vhat = self.gradeInvol() Vrev = ~self Vinv = Vrev/(self*Vrev)[0] gpres = grades_present(Vhat*Vinv, 0.000001) if len(gpres) == 1: if gpres[0] == 0: if np.sum(np.abs((Vhat*Vinv).value - (Vinv*Vhat).value)) < 0.0001: for e in basis_vectors(self.layout).values(): gpres = grades_present(Vhat*e*Vrev, 0.000001) if not (len(gpres) == 1 and gpres[0] == 1): return 0 return 1 return 0
[docs] def isVersor(self): """Returns true if multivector is a versor. From Leo Dorsts GA for computer science section 21.5 isBlade() --> Boolean """ Vhat = self.gradeInvol() Vrev = ~self Vinv = Vrev/(self*Vrev)[0] gpres = grades_present(Vhat*Vinv, 0.000001) if len(gpres) == 1: if gpres[0] == 0: if np.sum(np.abs((Vhat*Vinv).value - (Vinv*Vhat).value)) < 0.0001: for e in basis_vectors(self.layout).values(): gpres = grades_present(Vhat*e*Vrev, 0.000001) if not (len(gpres) == 1 and gpres[0] == 1): return 0 gpres = grades_present(self, 0.000001) if len(gpres) == 1: return 0 else: return 1 return 0
[docs] def grades(self): """Return the grades contained in the multivector. grades() --> [ PyInt, PyInt, ... ] """ return grades_present(self,_eps)
@property def blades_list(self): ''' ordered list of blades present in this MV ''' blades_list = self.layout.blades_list value = self.value b = [value[0]] + [value[k]*blades_list[k] for k in range(1, len(self))] return [k for k in b if k != 0]
[docs] def normal(self): """Return the (mostly) normalized multivector. The _mostly_ comes from the fact that some multivectors have a negative squared-magnitude. So, without introducing formally imaginary numbers, we can only fix the normalized multivector's magnitude to +-1. M / |M| up to a sign normal() --> MultiVector """ return self / np.sqrt(abs(self.mag2()))
[docs] def leftLaInv(self): """Return left-inverse using a computational linear algebra method proposed by Christian Perwass. -1 -1 M where M * M == 1 leftLaInv() --> MultiVector """ identity = np.zeros((self.layout.gaDims,)) identity[self.layout.gradeList.index(0)] = 1 intermed = np.zeros((self.layout.gaDims,self.layout.gaDims)) for test_ind, [i,j,k] in enumerate(zip(self.layout.k_list,self.layout.l_list,self.layout.m_list)): intermed[i, j] += self.layout.mult_table_vals[test_ind] * self.value[k] intermed = np.transpose(intermed) if abs(linalg.det(intermed)) < _eps: raise ValueError("multivector has no left-inverse") sol = linalg.solve(intermed, identity) return self._newMV(sol)
[docs] def normalInv(self): """Returns the inverse of itself if M*~M == |M|**2. -1 M = ~M / (M * ~M) normalInv() --> MultiVector """ Madjoint = ~self MadjointM = (Madjoint * self) if MadjointM.isScalar() and abs(MadjointM[()]) > _eps: # inverse exists return Madjoint / MadjointM[()] else: raise ValueError("no inverse exists for this multivector")
leftInv = leftLaInv
[docs] def inv(self): if (self*~self).isScalar(): it = self.normalInv() else: it = self.leftLaInv() return it
rightInv = leftLaInv
[docs] def dual(self, I=None): """Returns the dual of the multivector against the given subspace I. I defaults to the pseudoscalar. ~ -1 M = M * I dual(I=None) --> MultiVector """ if I is None: Iinv = self.invPS() else: Iinv = I.inv() return self * Iinv
[docs] def commutator(self, other): """Returns the commutator product of two multivectors. [M, N] = M X N = (M*N - N*M)/2 commutator(other) --> MultiVector """ return ((self * other) - (other * self)) / 2
x = commutator
[docs] def anticommutator(self, other): """Returns the anti-commutator product of two multivectors. (M*N + N*M)/2 anticommutator(other) --> MultiVector """ return ((self * other) + (other * self)) / 2
[docs] def gradeInvol(self): """Returns the grade involution of the multivector. * i M = Sum[i, dims, (-1) <M> ] i gradeInvol() --> MultiVector """ signs = np.power(-1, self.layout.gradeList) newValue = signs * self.value return self._newMV(newValue)
@property def even(self): ''' Even part of this mulivector defined as M + M.gradInvol() ''' return .5*(self + self.gradeInvol()) @property def odd(self): ''' Odd part of this mulivector defined as M +- M.gradInvol() ''' return .5*(self - self.gradeInvol())
[docs] def conjugate(self): """Returns the Clifford conjugate (reversion and grade involution). * M --> (~M).gradeInvol() conjugate() --> MultiVector """ return (~self).gradeInvol()
# Subspace operations
[docs] def project(self, other): """Projects the multivector onto the subspace represented by this blade. -1 P (M) = (M _| A) * A A project(M) --> MultiVector """ other, mv = self._checkOther(other, coerce=1) if not self.isBlade(): raise ValueError("self is not a blade") return * self.inv()
[docs] def factorise(self): """ Factorises a blade into basis vectors and an overall scale Uses Leo Dorsts algorithm from 21.6 of GA for Computer Science """ if not self.isBlade(): raise ValueError("self is not a blade") scale = abs(self) max_index = np.argmax(np.abs(self.value)) B_max_factors = self.layout.bladeTupList[max_index] factors = [] B_c = self/scale for ind in B_max_factors[1:]: ei = self.layout.blades_list[ind] fi = (*(~B_c*(1/(B_c*~B_c)[0]))).normal() factors.append(fi) B_c = B_c * ~fi * (1 / (fi * ~fi)[0]) factors.append(B_c.normal()) factors.reverse() return factors, scale
[docs] def basis(self): """Finds a vector basis of this subspace. basis() --> [ MultiVector, MultiVector, ... ] """ if not self.isBlade(): raise ValueError("self is not a blade") gr = self.grades() selfInv = self.inv() selfInv.clean() wholeBasis = [] # vector basis of the whole space for i in range(self.layout.gaDims): if self.layout.gradeList[i] == 1: v = np.zeros((self.layout.gaDims,), dtype=float) v[i] = 1. wholeBasis.append(self._newMV(v)) thisBasis = [] # vector basis of this subspace J, mv = self._checkOther(1.) # outer product of all of the vectors up # to the point of iteration for ei in wholeBasis: Pei = * selfInv J.clean() J2 = J ^ Pei if J2 != 0: J = J2 thisBasis.append(Pei) if len(thisBasis) == gr[0]: # we have a complete set break return thisBasis
[docs] def join(self, other): """Returns the join of two blades. . J = A ^ B join(other) --> MultiVector """ other, mv = self._checkOther(other) grSelf = self.grades() grOther = other.grades() if len(grSelf) == len(grOther) == 1: # both blades # try the outer product first J = self ^ other if J != 0: return J.normal() # try something else M = (other * self.invPS()).lc(self) if M != 0: C = M.normal() J = (self * C.rightInv()) ^ other return J.normal() if grSelf[0] >= grOther[0]: A = self B = other else: A = other B = self if (A * B) == (A | B): # B is a subspace of A or the same if grades are equal return A.normal() # ugly, but general way # watch out for residues # A is still the larger-dimensional subspace Bbasis = B.basis() # add the basis vectors of B one by one to the larger # subspace except for the ones that make the outer # product vanish J = A for ei in Bbasis: J.clean() J2 = J ^ ei if J2 != 0: J = J2 # for consistency's sake, we'll normalize the join J = J.normal() return J else: raise ValueError("not blades")
[docs] def meet(self, other, subspace=None): """Returns the meet of two blades. Computation is done with respect to a subspace that defaults to the join if none is given. -1 M \/i N = (Mi ) * N meet(other, subspace=None) --> MultiVector """ other, mv = self._checkOther(other) r = self.grades() s = other.grades() if len(r) > 1 or len(s) > 1: raise ValueError("not blades") if subspace is None: subspace = self.join(other) return (self * subspace.inv()) | other
class MVArray(np.ndarray): ''' MultiVector Array ''' def __new__(cls, input_array): obj = np.empty(len(input_array), dtype=object) obj[:] = input_array obj = obj.view(cls) return obj def __array_finalize__(self, obj): if obj is None: return @property def value(self): """ Return an np array of the values of multivectors """ return np.array([mv.value for mv in self]) @staticmethod def from_value_array(layout, value_array): """ Constructs an array of mvs from a value array """ v_new_mv = np.vectorize(lambda v: MultiVector(layout, v), otypes=[MVArray], signature='(n)->()') return MVArray(v_new_mv(value_array)) def save(self, filename, compression=True, transpose=False, sparse=False, support=False, compression_opts=1): """ Saves the array to a ga file """ write_ga_file(filename, self.value, self[0].layout.metric, self[0].layout.basis_names, compression=compression, transpose=transpose, sparse=sparse, support=support, compression_opts=compression_opts)
[docs]class Frame(MVArray): ''' A frame of vectors ''' def __new__(cls, input_array): if not np.all([k.grades() == [1] for k in input_array]): raise TypeError('Frames must be made from vectors') obj = MVArray.__new__(cls, input_array) return obj def __array_finalize__(self, obj): if obj is None: return @property def En(self): ''' Volume element for this frame En = e1^e2^...^en ''' return reduce(op, self) @property def inv(self): ''' The inverse frame of self Returns --------- inv : `clifford.Frame` ''' En = self.En # see D&L sec 4.3 vectors = [ (-1)**(k)*reduce(op, np.hstack([self[:k], self[k+1:]]))*En.inv() for k in range(len(self))] return Frame(vectors)
[docs] def is_innermorphic_to(self, other,eps=None): ''' Is this frame `innermorhpic` to other? *innermorphic* means both frames share the same inner-product between corresponding vectors. This implies that the two frames are related by an orthogonal transform Parameters ------------ other : `clifford.Frame` the other frame Returns ---------- value : bool ''' # make iterable `pairs` of all index combos, without repeat pairs = list(itertools.combinations(range(len(self)), 2)) a, b = self, other if eps is None: eps=_eps return array([float((b[m]|b[n]) - (a[m]|a[n]))<eps for m, n in pairs]).all()
class BladeMap(object): ''' A Map Relating Blades in two different algebras Examples ----------- >>> from clifford import Cl >>> # Dirac Algebra `D` >>> D, D_blades = Cl(1,3, firstIdx=0, names='d') >>> locals().update(D_blades) >>> # Pauli Algebra `P` >>> P, P_blades = Cl(3, names='p') >>> locals().update(P_blades) >>> sta_split = BladeMap([(d01,p1), (d02,p2), (d03,p3), (d12,p12), (d23,p23), (d13,p13)]) ''' def __init__(self, blades_map, map_scalars=True): self.blades_map = blades_map if map_scalars: # make scalars in each algebra map s1 = self.b1[0]._newMV()+1 s2 = self.b2[0]._newMV()+1 self.blades_map = [(s1, s2)] + self.blades_map @property def b1(self): return [k[0] for k in self.blades_map] @property def b2(self): return [k[1] for k in self.blades_map] @property def layout1(self): return self.b1[0].layout @property def layout2(self): return self.b2[0].layout def __call__(self, A): '''map an MV `A` according to blade_map''' # determine direction of map if A.layout == self.layout1: from_b = self.b1 to_b = self.b2 elif A.layout == self.layout2: from_b = self.b2 to_b = self.b1 else: raise ValueError('A doesnt belong to either Algebra in this Map') # create empty MV, and map values B = to_b[0]._newMV() for from_obj, to_obj in zip(from_b, to_b): B += (sum(A.value*from_obj.value)*to_obj) return B def comb(n, k): """\ Returns /n\\ \\k/ comb(n, k) --> PyInt """ def fact(n): if n == 0: return 1 return np.multiply.reduce(range(1, n+1)) return int(fact(n)/(fact(k)*fact(n - k))) def elements(dims, firstIdx=0): """Return a list of tuples representing all 2**dims of blades in a dims-dimensional GA. elements(dims, firstIdx=0) --> bladeTupList """ indcs = list(range(firstIdx, firstIdx + dims)) blades = [()] for k in range(1, dims+1): # k = grade if k == 1: for i in indcs: blades.append((i,)) continue curBladeX = indcs[:k] for i in range(comb(dims, k)): if curBladeX[-1] < firstIdx+dims-1: # increment last index blades.append(tuple(curBladeX)) curBladeX[-1] = curBladeX[-1] + 1 else: marker = -2 tmp = curBladeX[:] # copy tmp.reverse() # locate where the steady increase begins for j in range(k-1): if tmp[j] - tmp[j+1] == 1: marker = marker - 1 else: break if marker < -k: blades.append(tuple(curBladeX)) continue # replace blades.append(tuple(curBladeX)) curBladeX[marker:] = list(range( curBladeX[marker] + 1, curBladeX[marker] + 1 - marker)) return blades
[docs]def Cl(p=0, q=0, sig=None, names=None, firstIdx=1, mvClass=MultiVector): """Returns a Layout and basis blades for the geometric algebra Cl_p,q. The notation Cl_p,q means that the algebra is p+q dimensional, with the first p vectors with positive signature and the final q vectors negative. Cl(p, q=0, names=None, firstIdx=0) --> Layout, {'name': basisElement, ...} """ if sig is None: sig = [+1]*p + [-1]*q bladeTupList = elements(len(sig), firstIdx) layout = Layout(sig, bladeTupList, firstIdx=firstIdx, names=names) blades = bases(layout, mvClass) return layout, blades
[docs]def bases(layout, mvClass=MultiVector, grades=None): """Returns a dictionary mapping basis element names to their MultiVector instances, optionally for specific grades if you are lazy, you might do this to populate your namespace with the variables of a given layout. >>> locals().update(layout.blades()) bases(layout) --> {'name': baseElement, ...} """ dict = {} for i in range(layout.gaDims): grade = layout.gradeList[i] if grade != 0: if grades is not None and grade not in grades: continue v = np.zeros((layout.gaDims,), dtype=int) v[i] = 1 dict[layout.names[i]] = mvClass(layout, v) return dict
def basis_vectors(layout): ''' dictionary of basis vectors ''' return bases(layout=layout, grades=[1])
[docs]def randomMV( layout, min=-2.0, max=2.0, grades=None, mvClass=MultiVector, uniform=None, n=1, normed=False): """n Random MultiVectors with given layout. Coefficients are between min and max, and if grades is a list of integers, only those grades will be non-zero. Examples -------- >>>randomMV(layout, min=-2.0, max=2.0, grades=None, uniform=None,n=2) """ if n > 1: # return many multivectors return [randomMV(layout=layout, min=min, max=max, grades=grades, mvClass=mvClass, uniform=uniform, n=1, normed=normed) for k in range(n)] if uniform is None: uniform = np.random.uniform if grades is None: mv = mvClass(layout, uniform(min, max, (layout.gaDims,))) else: if isinstance(grades, int): grades = [grades] newValue = np.zeros((layout.gaDims,)) for i in range(layout.gaDims): if layout.gradeList[i] in grades: newValue[i] = uniform(min, max) mv = mvClass(layout, newValue) if normed: mv = mv.normal() return mv
[docs]def pretty(precision=None): """Makes repr(M) default to pretty-print. `precision` arg can be used to set the printed precision. Parameters ----------- precision : int number of sig figs to print past decimal Examples ---------- >>> pretty(5) """ global _pretty _pretty = True if precision is not None: print_precision(precision)
[docs]def ugly(): """Makes repr(M) default to eval-able representation. ugly() """ global _pretty _pretty = False
[docs]def eps(newEps=None): """Get/Set the epsilon for float comparisons. eps(newEps) """ global _eps if newEps is not None: _eps = newEps return _eps
def print_precision(newVal): """Set the epsilon for float comparisons. Parameters ----------- newVal : int number of sig figs to print (see builtin `round`) Examples ---------- >>> print_precision(5) """ global _print_precision _print_precision = newVal def gp(M, N): """ Geometric product gp(M,N) = M * N M and N must be from the same layout This is useful in calculating series of products, with `reduce()` for example >>>Ms = [M1,M2,M3] # list of multivectors >>>reduce(gp, Ms) # == M1*M2*M3 """ return M*N def ip(M, N): """ Inner product function ip(M,N) = M | N M and N must be from the same layout """ return M ^ N def op(M, N): """ Outer product function op(M,N) = M ^ N M and N must be from the same layout This is useful in calculating series of products, with `reduce()` for example >>>Ms = [M1,M2,M3] # list of multivectors >>>reduce(op, Ms) # == M1^M2^M3 """ return M ^ N
[docs]def conformalize(layout, added_sig=[1,-1]): ''' Conformalize a Geometric Algebra Given the `Layout` for a GA of signature (p,q), this will produce a GA of signature (p+1,q+1), as well as return a new list of blades and some `stuff`. `stuff` is a dict containing the null basis blades, and some up/down functions for projecting in/out of the CGA. Parameters ------------- layout: `clifford.Layout` layout of the GA to conformalize (the base) Returns --------- layout_c: `clifford.Layout` layout of the base GA blades_c: dict blades for the CGA stuff: dict dict containing the following: * ep - postive basis vector added * en - negative basis vector added * eo - zero vector of null basis (=.5*(en-ep)) * einf - infinity vector of null basis (=en+ep) * E0 - minkowski bivector (=einf^eo) * base - pseudoscalar for base ga, in cga layout * up - up-project a vector from GA to CGA * down - down-project a vector from CGA to GA * homo - homogenize a CGA vector Examples --------- >>> from clifford import Cl, conformalize >>> G2, blades = Cl(2) >>> G2c, bladesc, stuff = conformalize(G2) >>> locals().update(bladesc) >>> locals().update(stuff) ''' sig_c = list(layout.sig) + added_sig layout_c, blades_c = Cl(sig=sig_c) basis_vectors = layout_c.basis_vectors added_keys = sorted(layout_c.basis_vectors.keys())[-2:] ep, en = [basis_vectors[k] for k in added_keys] # setup null basis, and minkowski subspace bivector eo = .5 ^ (en - ep) einf = en + ep E0 = einf ^ eo I_base = layout_c.pseudoScalar*E0 # some convenience functions def up(x): try: if x.layout == layout: # vector is in original space, map it into conformal space old_val = x.value new_val = zeros(layout_c.gaDims) new_val[:len(old_val)] = old_val x = layout_c.MultiVector(value=new_val) except(AttributeError): # if x is a scalar it doesnt have layout but following # will still work pass # then up-project into a null vector return x + (.5 ^ ((x**2)*einf)) + eo def homo(x): return x*(-x | einf).normalInv() # homogenise conformal vector def down(x): x_down = (homo(x) ^ E0)*E0 #new_val = x_down.value[:layout.gaDims] # create vector in layout (not cga) #x_down = layout.MultiVector(value=new_val) return x_down stuff = {} stuff.update({ 'ep': ep, 'en': en, 'eo': eo, 'einf': einf, 'E0': E0, 'up': up, 'down': down, 'homo': homo,'I_base':I_base}) return layout_c, blades_c, stuff
## TODO: fix caching to work ## generate pre-defined algebras and cache them #sigs = [(1,1,0),(2,0,0),(3,1,0),(3,0,0),(3,2,0),(4,0,0)] #current_module = sys.modules[__name__] #caching.build_or_read_cache_and_attach_submods(current_module,sigs=sigs)