Tools for 3DCGA (g3c)

3DCGA Tools

Generation Methods

Changed in version 1.4.0: Many of these functions accept an rng arguments, which if provided should be the result of calling numpy.random.default_rng() or similar.

random_bivector(*[, rng])

Creates a random bivector on the form described by R.


Creates a standard point pair at the origin

random_point_pair_at_origin(*[, rng])

Creates a random point pair bivector object at the origin

random_point_pair(*[, rng])

Creates a random point pair bivector object


Creates a standard line at the origin

random_line_at_origin(*[, rng])

Creates a random line at the origin

random_line(*[, rng])

Creates a random line

random_circle_at_origin(*[, rng])

Creates a random circle at the origin

random_circle(*[, rng])

Creates a random circle

random_sphere_at_origin(*[, rng])

Creates a random sphere at the origin

random_sphere(*[, rng])

Creates a random sphere

random_plane_at_origin(*[, rng])

Creates a random plane at the origin

random_plane(*[, rng])

Creates a random plane

generate_n_clusters(object_generator, …[, rng])

Creates n_clusters of random objects

generate_random_object_cluster(n_objects, …)

Creates a cluster of random objects


generate a random translation rotor


generate a random combined rotation and translation rotor

random_conformal_point([l_max, rng])

Creates a random conformal point


Generates a rotor that performs dilation about the origin


Generates a rotor that translates objects along the euclidean vector euc_vector_a

Geometry Methods

intersect_line_and_plane_to_point(line, plane)

Returns the point at the intersection of a line and plane If there is no intersection it returns None


quaternion_and_vector_to_rotor(quaternion, …)

Takes in a quaternion and a vector and returns a conformal rotor that implements the transformation


Returns the conformal point at the centre of a sphere by reflecting the point at infinity


Returns the radius of a sphere


Extracts the end points of a point pair bivector



Extracts all the normal stuff for a circle


returns the sphere for which the input circle is the perimeter


converts a line to the conformal nearest point to the origin and a euc direction vector in direction of the line


Get the distance between a given plane and the origin


Get the normal to the plane


Get the nearest point to the origin on the plane


Converts a 2D polar line to a conformal line

convert_2D_polar_line_to_conformal_line(rho, …)

Converts a 2D polar line to a conformal line

val_convert_2D_point_to_conformal(x, y)

convert_2D_point_to_conformal(x, y)

Convert a 2D point to conformal

val_distance_point_to_line(point, line)

Returns the euclidean distance between a point and a line

distance_polar_line_to_euc_point_2d(rho, …)

Return the distance between a polar line and a euclidean point in 2D

midpoint_between_lines(L1, L2)

Gets the point that is maximally close to both lines Hadfield and Lasenby AGACSE2018

val_midpoint_between_lines(L1_val, L2_val)


Gets a center point of a line cluster Hadfield and Lasenby AGACSE2018


Gets a center point of a line cluster Hadfield and Lasenby AGACSE2018


Gets an approximate center point of a line cluster Hadfield and Lasenby AGACSE2018

get_line_intersection(L3, Ldd)

Gets the point of intersection of two orthogonal lines that meet Xdd = Ldd*no*Ldd + no Xddd = L3*Xdd*L3 Pd = 0.5*(Xdd+Xddd) P = -(Pd*ninf*Pd)(1)/(2*(Pd|einf)**2)[0]

val_get_line_intersection(L3_val, Ldd_val)

project_points_to_plane(point_list, plane)

Takes a load of points and projects them onto a plane

project_points_to_sphere(point_list, sphere)

Takes a load of points and projects them onto a sphere

project_points_to_circle(point_list, circle)

Takes a load of point and projects them onto a circle The closest flag determines if it should be the closest or furthest point on the circle

project_points_to_line(point_list, line)

Takes a load of points and projects them onto a line

iterative_closest_points_on_circles(C1, C2)

Given two circles C1 and C2 this calculates the closest points on each of them to the other

closest_point_on_line_from_circle(C, L[, eps])

Returns the point on the line L that is closest to the circle C Uses the algorithm described in Appendix A of Andreas Aristidou’s PhD thesis

closest_point_on_circle_from_line(C, L[, eps])

Returns the point on the circle C that is closest to the line L Uses the algorithm described in Appendix A of Andreas Aristidou’s PhD thesis

iterative_closest_points_circle_line(C, L[, …])

Given a circle C and line L this calculates the closest points on each of them to the other.

iterative_furthest_points_on_circles(C1, C2)

Given two circles C1 and C2 this calculates the closest points on each of them to the other

sphere_beyond_plane(sphere, plane)

Check if the sphere is fully beyond the plane in the direction of the plane normal

sphere_behind_plane(sphere, plane)

Check if the sphere is fully behind the plane in the direction of the plane normal, ie the opposite of sphere_beyond_plane


meet_val(a_val, b_val)

meet(A, B)

The meet algorithm as described in [LLW04].


Normalises a conformal point so that it has an inner product of -1 with einf


val_apply_rotor(mv_val, rotor_val)

apply_rotor(mv_in, rotor)

Applies rotor to multivector in a fast way

val_apply_rotor_inv(mv_val, rotor_val, …)

apply_rotor_inv(mv_in, rotor, rotor_inv)

Applies rotor to multivector in a fast way takes pre computed adjoint

euc_dist(conf_mv_a, conf_mv_b)

Returns the distance between two conformal points


Convenience function for multiplication with ninf



Alias of clifford.MultiVector.__abs__()



Alias of clifford.MultiVector.normal()



Fast jitted up mapping





A fast version of down()



Fast dual

disturb_object(mv_object[, …])

Disturbs an object by a random rotor

project_val(val, grade)

get_line_reflection_matrix(lines[, n_power])

Generates the matrix that sums the reflection of a point in many lines

val_get_line_reflection_matrix(line_array, …)

Generates the matrix that sums the reflection of a point in many lines


Generates the truncated matrix that sums the reflection of a point in many lines


Takes an input multivector and returns what kind of object it is


Takes in a TR rotor extracts the R and T normalises the T to unit displacement magnitude rebuilds the TR rotor with the new displacement rotor returns the new TR and the original length of the T rotor

scale_TR_translation(TR, scale)

Takes in a TR rotor and a scale extracts the R and T scales the T displacement magnitude by scale rebuilds the TR rotor with the new displacement rotor returns the new TR rotor


Root Finding




Square Root of Rotors - Checks for a positive root



Square Root of Rotors - Checks for a negative root



Square Root of Rotors - Checks for a infinite roots




Square Root of Rotors - Evaluates the positive root


Square Root of Rotors - Evaluates the negative root



The general case of the root of a grade 0, 4 multivector

val_annihilate_k(K_val, C_val)

annihilate_k(K, C)

Removes K from C = KX via (K[0] - K[4])*C




Square Root and Logarithm of Rotors in 3D Conformal Geometric Algebra Using Polar Decomposition Leo Dorst and Robert Valkenburg


Square Root and Logarithm of Rotors in 3D Conformal Geometric Algebra Using Polar Decomposition Leo Dorst and Robert Valkenburg


Square Root and Logarithm of Rotors in 3D Conformal Geometric Algebra Using Polar Decomposition Leo Dorst and Robert Valkenburg

n_th_rotor_root(R, n)

Takes the n_th root of rotor R n must be a power of 2

interp_objects_root(C1, C2, alpha)

Hadfield and Lasenby, Direct Linear Interpolation of Geometric Objects, AGACSE2018 Directly linearly interpolates conformal objects Return a valid object from the addition result C

general_object_interpolation(…[, kind])

Hadfield and Lasenby, Direct Linear Interpolation of Geometric Objects, AGACSE2018 This is a general interpolation through the

average_objects(obj_list[, weights, …])

Hadfield and Lasenby, Direct Linear Interpolation of Geometric Objects, AGACSE2018 Directly averages conformal objects Return a valid object from the addition result C

val_average_objects_with_weights(obj_array, …)

Hadfield and Lasenby, Direct Linear Interpolation of Geometric Objects, AGACSE2018 Directly averages conformal objects Return a valid object from the addition result C


Hadfield and Lasenby, Direct Linear Interpolation of Geometric Objects, AGACSE2018 Directly averages conformal objects Return a valid object from the addition result C

rotor_between_objects(X1, X2)

Lasenby and Hadfield AGACSE2018 For any two conformal objects X1 and X2 this returns a rotor that takes X1 to X2 Return a valid object from the addition result 1 + gamma*X2X1

val_rotor_between_objects_root(X1, X2)

val_rotor_between_objects_explicit(X1, X2)

Lasenby and Hadfield AGACSE2018 For any two conformal objects X1 and X2 this returns a rotor that takes X1 to X2

calculate_S_over_mu(X1, X2)

Lasenby and Hadfield AGACSE2018 For any two conformal objects X1 and X2 this returns a factor that corrects the X1 + X2 back to a blade

val_rotor_between_lines(L1_val, L2_val)

Implements a very optimised rotor line to line extraction

rotor_between_lines(L1, L2)

Implements a very optimised rotor line to line extraction

rotor_between_planes(P1, P2)

return the rotor between two planes

val_rotor_rotor_between_planes(P1_val, P2_val)



Tools for fitting geometric primitives to point clouds