numba extension support (clifford.numba)

New in version 1.4.0.

This module provides numba extension types MultiVectorType and LayoutType corresponding to MultiVector and Layout.

You do not need to import this module to take advantage of these types; they are needed only directly when writing numba overloads via numba.extending.overload() and similar.

As a simple example, the following code defines a vectorized up() function for CGA

from clifford.g3c import *

def jit_up(x):
    return eo + x + 0.5*abs(x)**2*einf

assert up(e1) == jit_up(e1)

Note that a rough equivalent to this particular function is provided elsewhere as

Supported operations

The following list of operations are supported in a jitted context:

Performance considerations

While the resulted jitted code is typically faster, there are two main performance issues to consider. The first is the startup time of @jiting. This can be quite substantial, although can be somewhat alleviated by using the cache=True argument to numba.jit(). The second is the time taken for numba to find the appropriate dispatch loop given the Python types of its arguments, which adds overhead to every call.

clifford tries as hard as possible to reduce this second overhead, by using the undocumented _numba_type_ attribute and keeping our own optimized cache instead of going through the recommended @numba.extending.typeof_impl.register(LayoutType) mechanism. However, this overhead can still be slow compared to elementary operations. The following code is significantly impacted by this overhead:

from clifford.g3c import *
import numba

def mul(a, b):
    return a * b

# 286 ms, ignoring jitting time
x = e1
for i in range(10000):
    x = mul(x, x + e2)

as each iteration of the loop pays it again. The overhead can be avoided by jitting the entire loop:

from clifford.g3c import *
import numba

def mul(a, b):
    return a * b

def the_loop(x):
    for i in range(1000):
        x = mul(x, x + e1)
    return x

# 2.4 ms, ignoring jitting time
x = the_loop(eq)