Source code for clifford._multivector

import numbers
import math
from typing import List, Set, Tuple

import numpy as np

import clifford as cf
from . import (

[docs]class MultiVector(object): """An element of the algebra Parameters ------------- layout: instance of :class:`clifford.Layout` the layout of the algebra value : sequence of length ``layout.gaDims`` the coefficients of the base blades Notes ------ The following operators are overloaded: * ``A * B`` : geometric product * ``A ^ B`` : outer product * ``A | B`` : inner product * ``A << B`` : left contraction * ``~M`` : reversion * ``M(N)`` : grade or subspace projection * ``M[N]`` : blade projection """
[docs] def __init__(self, layout, value=None, string=None, *, dtype: np.dtype = np.float64) -> None: """Constructor.""" self.layout = layout self.__array_priority__ = 100 if value is None: if string is None: self.value = np.zeros((self.layout.gaDims,), dtype=dtype) else: self.value = layout.parse_multivector(string).value else: self.value = np.array(value) if self.value.shape != (self.layout.gaDims,): raise ValueError( "value must be a sequence of length %s" % self.layout.gaDims)
def __array__(self) -> 'cf.MVArray': # we are a scalar, and the only appropriate dtype is an object array return cf.MVArray([self]) def _checkOther(self, other, coerce=True) -> Tuple['MultiVector', bool]: """Ensure that the other argument has the same Layout or coerce value if necessary/requested. _checkOther(other, coerce=True) --> newOther, isMultiVector """ if isinstance(other, numbers.Number): if coerce: # numeric scalar newOther = self._newMV(dtype=np.result_type(other)) newOther[()] = other return newOther, True else: return other, False elif isinstance(other, MultiVector): if other.layout != self.layout: raise ValueError( "cannot operate on MultiVectors with different Layouts") else: return other, True else: return other, False def _newMV(self, newValue=None, *, dtype: np.dtype = None) -> 'MultiVector': """Returns a new MultiVector (or derived class instance). """ if newValue is None and dtype is None: raise TypeError("Must specify either a type or value") return self.__class__(self.layout, newValue, dtype=dtype) # numeric special methods # binary
[docs] def exp(self) -> 'MultiVector': return general_exp(self)
[docs] def vee(self, other) -> 'MultiVector': r""" Vee product :math:`A \vee B`. This is often defined as: .. math:: `(A \vee B)^* &= A^* \wedge B^*` \implies A \vee B &= (A^* \wedge B^*)^{-*} This is very similar to the :meth:`` function, but always uses the dual in the full space . Internally, this is actually implemented using the complement functions instead, as these work in degenerate metrics like PGA too, and are equivalent but faster in other metrics. """ return self.layout.MultiVector(value=self.layout.vee_func(self.value, other.value))
def __and__(self, other) -> 'MultiVector': """ Alias for :meth:`~MultiVector.vee` """ return self.vee(other) def __mul__(self, other) -> 'MultiVector': """Geometric product :math:`MN` """ other, mv = self._checkOther(other, coerce=False) if mv: newValue = self.layout.gmt_func(self.value, other.value) else: if isinstance(other, np.ndarray): obj = self.__array__() return obj*other newValue = other * self.value return self._newMV(newValue) def __rmul__(self, other) -> 'MultiVector': """Right-hand geometric product, :math:`NM`""" other, mv = self._checkOther(other, coerce=False) if mv: newValue = self.layout.gmt_func(other.value, self.value) else: if isinstance(other, np.ndarray): obj = self.__array__() return other*obj newValue = other*self.value return self._newMV(newValue) def __xor__(self, other) -> 'MultiVector': r""" Outer product, :math:`M \wedge N` """ other, mv = self._checkOther(other, coerce=False) if mv: newValue = self.layout.omt_func(self.value, other.value) else: if isinstance(other, np.ndarray): obj = self.__array__() return obj^other newValue = other*self.value return self._newMV(newValue) def __rxor__(self, other) -> 'MultiVector': r"""Right-hand outer product, :math:`N \wedge M` """ other, mv = self._checkOther(other, coerce=False) if mv: newValue = self.layout.omt_func(other.value, self.value) else: if isinstance(other, np.ndarray): obj = self.__array__() return other^obj newValue = other * self.value return self._newMV(newValue) def __or__(self, other) -> 'MultiVector': r""" Inner product, :math:`M \cdot N` """ other, mv = self._checkOther(other) if mv: newValue = self.layout.imt_func(self.value, other.value) else: if isinstance(other, np.ndarray): obj = self.__array__() return obj|other # l * M = M * l = 0 for scalar l return self._newMV(dtype=np.result_type(self.value.dtype, other)) return self._newMV(newValue) __ror__ = __or__ def __add__(self, other) -> 'MultiVector': """Addition M + N """ other, mv = self._checkOther(other) if not mv: if isinstance(other, np.ndarray): obj = self.__array__() return obj + other newValue = self.value + other.value return self._newMV(newValue) __radd__ = __add__ def __sub__(self, other) -> 'MultiVector': """Subtraction M - N """ other, mv = self._checkOther(other) if not mv: if isinstance(other, np.ndarray): obj = self.__array__() return obj - other newValue = self.value - other.value return self._newMV(newValue) def __rsub__(self, other) -> 'MultiVector': """Right-hand subtraction N - M """ other, mv = self._checkOther(other) if not mv: if isinstance(other, np.ndarray): obj = self.__array__() return other - obj newValue = other.value - self.value return self._newMV(newValue)
[docs] def right_complement(self) -> 'MultiVector': return self.layout.MultiVector(value=self.layout.right_complement_func(self.value))
[docs] def left_complement(self) -> 'MultiVector': return self.layout.MultiVector(value=self.layout.left_complement_func(self.value))
def __truediv__(self, other) -> 'MultiVector': """Division, :math:`M N^{-1}`""" other, mv = self._checkOther(other, coerce=False) if mv: return self * other.inv() else: if isinstance(other, np.ndarray): obj = self.__array__() return obj/other newValue = self.value / other return self._newMV(newValue) def __rtruediv__(self, other) -> 'MultiVector': """Right-hand division, :math:`N M^{-1}`""" other, mv = self._checkOther(other) if isinstance(other, np.ndarray): obj = self.__array__() return other / obj return other * self.inv() def __pow__(self, other) -> 'MultiVector': """Exponentiation of a multivector by an integer, :math:`M^{n}` """ if not isinstance(other, (int, float)): raise ValueError("exponent must be a Python int or float") if abs(round(other) - other) > cf._eps: raise ValueError("exponent must have no fractional part") other = int(round(other)) if other == 0: return self._newMV(dtype=self.value.dtype) + 1 newMV = self._newMV(np.array(self.value)) # copy for i in range(1, other): newMV = newMV * self return newMV def __rpow__(self, other) -> 'MultiVector': """Exponentiation of a real by a multivector, :math:`r^{M}`""" # Let math.log() check that other is a Python number, not something # else. # pow(x, y) == exp(y * log(x)) newMV = general_exp(math.log(other) * self) return newMV def __lshift__(self, other) -> 'MultiVector': """ The ``<<`` operator is the left contraction """ return # unary def __neg__(self) -> 'MultiVector': """Negation, :math:`-M`""" newValue = -self.value return self._newMV(newValue)
[docs] def as_array(self) -> np.ndarray: return self.value
def __pos__(self) -> 'MultiVector': """Positive (just a copy), :math:`+M` """ newValue = self.value + 0 # copy return self._newMV(newValue)
[docs] def mag2(self) -> numbers.Number: """Magnitude (modulus) squared, :math:`{|M|}^2` Note in mixed signature spaces this may be negative """ mv_val = self.layout.gmt_func(self.layout.adjoint_func(self.value), self.value) return mv_val[0]
def __abs__(self) -> numbers.Number: """Magnitude (modulus), :math::`|M|` This is ``sqrt(abs(~M*M))``. The abs inside the sqrt is need for spaces of mixed signature """ return np.sqrt(abs(self.mag2()))
[docs] def adjoint(self) -> 'MultiVector': r"""Adjoint / reversion, :math:`\tilde M` Aliased as ``~M`` to reflect :math:`\tilde M`, one of several conflicting notations. Note that ``~(N * M) == ~M * ~N``. """ # The multivector created by reversing all multiplications return self._newMV(self.layout.adjoint_func(self.value))
__invert__ = adjoint # builtin def __int__(self) -> int: """Coerce to an integer iff scalar. """ return int(self.__float__()) def __float__(self) -> float: """"Coerce to a float iff scalar. """ if self.isScalar(): return float(self[()]) else: raise ValueError("non-scalar coefficients are non-zero") # sequence special methods def __len__(self) -> int: """Returns length of value array. """ return self.layout.gaDims def __getitem__(self, key) -> numbers.Number: """If key is a blade tuple (e.g. (0, 1) or (1, 3)), or a blade, (e.g. e12), then return the (real) value of that blade's coefficient. Otherwise, treat key as an index into the list of coefficients. value = M[blade] value = M[index] """ if isinstance(key, MultiVector): return self.value[int(np.where(key.value)[0][0])] elif key in self.layout.bladeTupMap.keys(): return self.value[self.layout.bladeTupMap[key]] elif isinstance(key, tuple): sign, blade = compute_reordering_sign_and_canonical_form(key, self.layout.sig, self.layout.firstIdx) return sign*self.value[self.layout.bladeTupMap[blade]] return self.value[key] def __setitem__(self, key, value: numbers.Number) -> None: """If key is a blade tuple (e.g. (0, 1) or (1, 3)), then set the (real) value of that blade's coeficient. Otherwise treat key as an index into the list of coefficients. M[blade] = value M[index] = value """ if key in self.layout.bladeTupMap.keys(): self.value[self.layout.bladeTupMap[key]] = value elif isinstance(key, tuple): sign, blade = compute_reordering_sign_and_canonical_form(key, self.layout.sig, self.layout.firstIdx) self.value[self.layout.bladeTupMap[blade]] = sign*value else: self.value[key] = value def __delitem__(self, key) -> None: """Set the selected coefficient to 0. del M[blade] del M[index] """ if key in self.layout.bladeTupMap.keys(): self.value[self.layout.bladeTupMap[key]] = 0 elif isinstance(key, tuple): sign, blade = compute_reordering_sign_and_canonical_form(key, self.layout.sig, self.layout.firstIdx) self.value[self.layout.bladeTupMap[blade]] = 0 else: self.value[key] = 0 # grade projection def __call__(self, other, *others) -> 'MultiVector': """Return a new multi-vector projected onto a grade OR a MV M(grade[s]) --> <M> grade OR M(other) --> other.project(M) Examples -------- >>>M(0) >>>M(0, 2) """ if isinstance(other, MultiVector): return other.project(self) else: # we are making a grade projection grade = other if len(others) != 0: return sum([self.__call__(k) for k in (other,)+others]) if grade not in self.layout.gradeList: raise ValueError("algebra does not have grade %s" % grade) if not np.issubdtype(type(grade), np.integer): raise ValueError("grade must be an integer") mask = np.equal(grade, self.layout.gradeList) newValue = np.multiply(mask, self.value) return self._newMV(newValue) # fundamental special methods def __str__(self) -> str: """Return pretty-printed representation. """ s = '' p = cf._print_precision for grade, name, coeff in zip(self.layout.gradeList, self.layout.names, self.value): # if we have nothing yet, don't use + and - as operators but # use - as an unary prefix if necessary if s: seps = (' + ', ' - ') else: seps = ('', '-') # note: these comparisons need to ensure nan is shown, noting that # `nan {} x` is always false for all comparisons `{}`.` if abs(coeff) < cf._eps: continue # too small to print else: if coeff < 0: sep = seps[1] abs_coeff = -round(coeff, p) else: sep = seps[0] abs_coeff = round(coeff, p) if grade == 0: # scalar s = '%s%s%s' % (s, sep, abs_coeff) else: # not a scalar s = '%s%s(%s^%s)' % (s, sep, abs_coeff, name) if s: # non-zero return s else: # return scalar 0 return '0' def __repr__(self) -> str: """Return eval-able representation if global _pretty is false. Otherwise, return str(self). """ if cf._pretty: return self.__str__() s = "MultiVector(%s, value=%s)" % ( repr(self.layout), list(self.value)) return s def __bool__(self) -> bool: """Instance is nonzero iff at least one of the coefficients is nonzero. """ zeroes = np.absolute(self.value) < cf._eps return not zeroes.all() def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: other, mv = self._checkOther(other) if not mv: return NotImplemented if (np.absolute(self.value - other.value) < cf._eps).all(): # equal within epsilon return True else: return False def __ne__(self, other) -> bool: ret = self.__eq__(other) if ret is NotImplemented: return ret return not ret
[docs] def clean(self, eps=None) -> 'MultiVector': """Sets coefficients whose absolute value is < eps to exactly 0. eps defaults to the current value of the global cf._eps. """ if eps is None: eps = cf._eps mask = np.absolute(self.value) > eps # note element-wise multiplication self.value = mask * self.value return self
[docs] def round(self, eps=None) -> 'MultiVector': """Rounds all coefficients according to Python's rounding rules. eps defaults to the current value of the global cf._eps. """ if eps is None: eps = cf._eps self.value = np.around(self.value, eps) return self
# Geometric Algebraic functions
[docs] def lc(self, other) -> 'MultiVector': r"""The left-contraction of two multivectors, :math:`M\rfloor N`""" other, mv = self._checkOther(other, coerce=True) newValue = self.layout.lcmt_func(self.value, other.value) return self._newMV(newValue)
@property def pseudoScalar(self) -> 'MultiVector': "Returns a MultiVector that is the pseudoscalar of this space." return self.layout.pseudoScalar I = pseudoScalar
[docs] def invPS(self) -> 'MultiVector': "Returns the inverse of the pseudoscalar of the algebra." ps = self.pseudoScalar return ps.inv()
[docs] def isScalar(self) -> bool: """Returns true iff self is a scalar. """ indices = list(range(self.layout.gaDims)) indices.remove(self.layout.gradeList.index(0)) for i in indices: if abs(self.value[i]) < cf._eps: continue else: return False return True
[docs] def isBlade(self) -> bool: """Returns true if multivector is a blade. """ if len(self.grades()) != 1: return False return self.isVersor()
[docs] def isVersor(self) -> bool: """Returns true if multivector is a versor. From Leo Dorsts GA for computer science section 21.5, definition from 7.6.4 """ Vhat = self.gradeInvol() Vrev = ~self Vinv = Vrev/(self*Vrev)[0] # Test if the versor inverse (~V)/(V * ~V) is truly the inverse of the # multivector V if grades_present(Vhat*Vinv, 0.000001) != {0}: return False if not np.sum(np.abs((Vhat*Vinv).value - (Vinv*Vhat).value)) < 0.0001: return False # applying a versor (and hence an invertible blade) to a vector should # not change the grade if not all( grades_present(Vhat*e*Vrev, 0.000001) == {1} for e in cf.basis_vectors(self.layout).values() ): return False return True
[docs] def grades(self) -> Set[int]: """Return the grades contained in the multivector. .. versionchanged:: 1.1.0 Now returns a set instead of a list """ return grades_present(self, cf._eps)
@property def blades_list(self) -> List['MultiVector']: ''' ordered list of blades present in this MV ''' blades_list = self.layout.blades_list value = self.value b = [value[0]] + [value[k]*blades_list[k] for k in range(1, len(self))] return [k for k in b if k != 0]
[docs] def normal(self) -> 'MultiVector': r"""Return the (mostly) normalized multivector. The _mostly_ comes from the fact that some multivectors have a negative squared-magnitude. So, without introducing formally imaginary numbers, we can only fix the normalized multivector's magnitude to +-1. :math:`\frac{M}{|M|}` up to a sign """ return self / abs(self)
[docs] def leftLaInv(self) -> 'MultiVector': """Return left-inverse using a computational linear algebra method proposed by Christian Perwass. """ return self._newMV(self.layout.inv_func(self.value))
def _pick_inv(self, fallback): """Internal helper to choose an appropriate inverse method. Parameters ---------- fallback : bool, optional If `None`, perform no checks on whether normal inv is appropriate. If `True`, fallback to a linalg approach if necessary. If `False`, raise an error if normal inv is not appropriate. """ Madjoint = ~self MadjointM = (Madjoint * self) if fallback is not None and not MadjointM.isScalar(): if fallback: return self.leftLaInv() else: raise ValueError("no inverse exists for this multivector") MadjointM_scalar = MadjointM[()] if fallback is not None and not abs(MadjointM_scalar) > cf._eps: raise ValueError("no inverse exists for this multivector") return Madjoint / MadjointM_scalar
[docs] def normalInv(self, check=True) -> 'MultiVector': r"""The inverse of itself if :math:`M \tilde M = |M|^2`. .. math:: M^{-1} = \tilde M / (M \tilde M) Parameters ---------- check : bool When true, the default, validate that it is appropriate to use this method of inversion. """ return self._pick_inv(fallback=False if check else None)
[docs] def inv(self) -> 'MultiVector': return self._pick_inv(fallback=True)
leftInv = leftLaInv rightInv = leftLaInv
[docs] def dual(self, I=None) -> 'MultiVector': r"""The dual of the multivector against the given subspace I, :math:`\tilde M = MI^{-1}` I defaults to the pseudoscalar. """ if I is None: return self.layout.MultiVector(value=self.layout.dual_func(self.value)) else: Iinv = I.inv() return self * Iinv
[docs] def commutator(self, other) -> 'MultiVector': r"""The commutator product of two multivectors. :math:`[M, N] = M \cross N = (MN + NM)/2` """ return ((self * other) - (other * self)) / 2
x = commutator
[docs] def anticommutator(self, other) -> 'MultiVector': """The anti-commutator product of two multivectors, :math:`(MN + NM)/2` """ return ((self * other) + (other * self)) / 2
[docs] def gradeInvol(self) -> 'MultiVector': r"""The grade involution of the multivector. .. math:: M^* = \sum_{i=0}^{\text{dims}} {(-1)^i \left<M\right>_i} """ signs = np.power(-1, self.layout.gradeList) newValue = signs * self.value return self._newMV(newValue)
@property def even(self) -> 'MultiVector': ''' Even part of this multivector defined as ``M + M.gradInvol()`` ''' return .5*(self + self.gradeInvol()) @property def odd(self) -> 'MultiVector': ''' Odd part of this mulitvector defined as ``M +- M.gradInvol()`` ''' return .5*(self - self.gradeInvol())
[docs] def conjugate(self) -> 'MultiVector': """The Clifford conjugate (reversion and grade involution). :math:`M^*` = ``(~M).gradeInvol()`` """ return (~self).gradeInvol()
# Subspace operations
[docs] def project(self, other) -> 'MultiVector': r"""Projects the multivector onto the subspace represented by this blade. :math:`P_A(M) = (M \rfloor A) A^{-1}` """ other, mv = self._checkOther(other, coerce=True) if not self.isBlade(): raise ValueError("self is not a blade") return * self.inv()
[docs] def factorise(self) -> Tuple[List['MultiVector'], numbers.Number]: """ Factorises a blade into basis vectors and an overall scale. Uses Leo Dorsts algorithm from 21.6 of GA for Computer Science """ if not self.isBlade(): raise ValueError("self is not a blade") scale = abs(self) max_index = np.argmax(np.abs(self.value)) B_max_factors = self.layout.bladeTupList[max_index] factors = [] B_c = self/scale for ind in B_max_factors[1:]: ei = self.layout.blades_list[ind] fi = (*B_c.normalInv(check=False)).normal() factors.append(fi) B_c = B_c * fi.normalInv(check=False) factors.append(B_c.normal()) factors.reverse() return factors, scale
[docs] def basis(self) -> List['MultiVector']: """Finds a vector basis of this subspace. """ if not self.isBlade(): raise ValueError("self is not a blade") # only one grade, since this is a blade gr, = self.grades() selfInv = self.inv() selfInv.clean() wholeBasis = [] # vector basis of the whole space for i in range(self.layout.gaDims): if self.layout.gradeList[i] == 1: v = np.zeros((self.layout.gaDims,), dtype=float) v[i] = 1. wholeBasis.append(self._newMV(v)) thisBasis = [] # vector basis of this subspace J, mv = self._checkOther(1.) # outer product of all of the vectors up # to the point of iteration for ei in wholeBasis: Pei = * selfInv J.clean() J2 = J ^ Pei if J2 != 0: J = J2 thisBasis.append(Pei) if len(thisBasis) == gr: # we have a complete set break return thisBasis
[docs] def join(self, other) -> 'MultiVector': r"""The join of two blades. :math:`J = A \wedge B` """ other, mv = self._checkOther(other) grSelf = self.grades() grOther = other.grades() if len(grSelf) == len(grOther) == 1: # both blades grSelf, = grSelf grOther, = grOther # try the outer product first J = self ^ other if J != 0: return J.normal() # try something else M = (other * self.invPS()).lc(self) if M != 0: C = M.normal() J = (self * C.rightInv()) ^ other return J.normal() if grSelf >= grOther: A = self B = other else: A = other B = self if (A * B) == (A | B): # B is a subspace of A or the same if grades are equal return A.normal() # ugly, but general way # watch out for residues # A is still the larger-dimensional subspace Bbasis = B.basis() # add the basis vectors of B one by one to the larger # subspace except for the ones that make the outer # product vanish J = A for ei in Bbasis: J.clean() J2 = J ^ ei if J2 != 0: J = J2 # for consistency's sake, we'll normalize the join J = J.normal() return J else: raise ValueError("not blades")
[docs] def meet(self, other, subspace=None) -> 'MultiVector': r"""The meet of two blades. Computation is done with respect to a subspace that defaults to the join if none is given. :math:`M \vee_i N = M_i^{-1}N` """ other, mv = self._checkOther(other) r = self.grades() s = other.grades() if len(r) > 1 or len(s) > 1: raise ValueError("not blades") if subspace is None: subspace = self.join(other) return (self * subspace.inv()) | other
[docs] def astype(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Change the underlying scalar type of this vector. Can be used to force lower-precision floats or integers See `np.ndarray.astype` for argument descriptions. """ return self._newMV(self.value.astype(*args, **kwargs))